Profiler becoming slow to respond when attached via USB

  • Hi there,

    I have a problem with one of my profilers. I have two of them: one for Guitar, one for Bass. Both are unpowered rack units running on 8.0.3. I usually have them both attached to my PC via USB all the time so I can control them via Rig Manager.

    Recently I've started noticing this: after a while, can not really say how long - maybe an hour or so, the Guitar-Profiler starts to become very unresponsive. Meaning: I can play fine and all the rigs work as they should. But when I attempt to switch rigs through RigManager (Double-Click on the Rig), it takes anywhere from 10sec to 30sec for the Profiler to actually load it. According to RigManager, the switch is immediate. No lag at all in the software. While I wait for the new rig to load, the Profiler continues to work fine ... only still having the old rig loaded. Also the front panel seems to freeze when this happens. Like: all the various LEDs freeze, until the rig is finally loaded. When I turn the unit off and on again, everything goes back to normal.

    I have not yet noticed this happening on the Bass-Profiler, but I also don't use that one often and when I do, not for long - and usually with just one rig.

    Yesterday I tried to update the Guitar-Profiler to 8.0.5 and that also failed. While copying the update to the profiler it aborted at exactly 66% without any error other than RigManager saying it failed. The update on the Bass-Profiler on the other hand went through just fine. This has already happened when updating the Guitar-Profiler to 8.0.3, but at the time I hadn't given much thought and just copied the update to a USB-stick and updated the unit through that. I will most probably also work this time, haven't yet tried, but this really seems a little weird to me.
