• I'm having a weird issue that I have yet to resolve, I have changed headphones( HD280 pro to m50x)and my audio interface (Steinberg ur22 mk2 to Komplete Audio 6 mk2)so I do not think it's a problem directly related to that hardware. I am unable to turn the volume to a reasonable level on my interface with my Kemper running into it without my headphones distorting and becoming a thin, fizzy, buzzy mess. YouTube videos and other media work fine and can be played much louder with no artifacing at all so it's directly related to the Kemper into the inputs. I have tried the pad setting on the main outs and it doesn't help.

    My setup is guitar to Kemper front in, main outs to input 1 and 2 on the interface, headphones into interface. The headphone jack on the Kemper is fine and sounds great at significantly higher volumes than the interface so I'm wondering if I need a headphone amp to allow the interface to properly push the headphones without distorting. I've tried various levels of gain on the interface ins and different profiles (and volume levels) on the Kemper to no avail and I'm kind of at a loss. Headphones themselves are only 30 ohm so I didn't think there would be an issue.