Volume problem between clean and distorted sounds afer update to 8.0 [SOLVED]

  • Hi guys. I'm trying to create several performances based on real amps of which I have complete packs that go from completely clean to high gain.

    I have never approached my performances this way so I always had to compensate the volumes between different amps from different packs for the cleans and the gain profiles.

    I was expecting to be able to just compensate this by only using the Clean Sense but there is no way. Even at +12dB on Clean Sens my clean profiles from amps like a SLO 100 or VH4 still are too low volume compared to the high gain profiles of the same pack.

    Question: ¿using a Les Paul type guitar with PAF style pickups, what is your general Clean Sense value?

    My guitars are a PRS 594 and a Gibson R8.

    I am tempted to blame some change in the last update (because I had never this kind of problem in the past) but first I want to check if this is normal or not with feedback from forum users.

    Thanks in advance.

    Update: There is something wrong with my Kemper. Or at least the volume is not working as it should on clean profiles. That is why I have never run into this kind of issue in the almost 5 years I have been using the KPA and it is happening now. Checked with my friend DamianGreda , same Factory Profiles, clean and distorted. His sound samples have a small difference in volume between profiles. Mine have a HUGE difference.

    The profiles are from the Free Pack from Lars Luettge PRoSt Archie 19 (clean) and PRoSt Archie 10 (high gain)

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    Edited once, last by Atlantic: New info on the issue. (December 13, 2020 at 12:42 PM).

  • Aaaaaaand....

    It´s fixed.

    Went back to an old system backup made before the 8.0 update and now volumes work as they should.

    Before restoring that backup I already had tried to downgrade to 7.5, and also did a Factory Reset in 7.5 and also in 8.0. Didn`t work. Only fix has been going to an old backup.

    I was going crazy trying to change all the volumes in my performances and it was a real issue of the KPA all the time.

    Moral here: kids, backup your systems frequently.

  • Hello my friends:

    I Have the same problem.

    My KPA some weeks ago suddenly lost volume when the gain is low, even using clean sense at +12dB, both in browser and perform mode.
    I think it was when i made the last O.S. update to 8.0.6.
    i tried, like you, downgrade to a 7.3.2 version and i made a Factory reset but dont work.

    Unfortunately i dont have any previuos backup that i can use =(

    Anyone who can help me?

    Greetings from Chile!

  • Check where the volume pedal is configured in the rig menu. If some are set to go from 0 to 5, they will be softer than those set to 5 to 10. You can go through and set all of them, or choose the setting you like and lock the volume or rig section.

    Be Thankful.

  • Check where the volume pedal is configured in the rig menu. If some are set to go from 0 to 5, they will be softer than those set to 5 to 10. You can go through and set all of them, or choose the setting you like and lock the volume or rig section.

    Hello Kevin!

    I checked the range level in "volume pedal settings" in rig menu, but it is the same in all rigs as it has always been (-5.0).

    Effectively the volume of each rig is increased when the range is raised but it does not solve my problem, since my problem is that when the gain knob is raised the volume goes up too much, even if the clean sense is at maximum (+12 dB).

    I think it is not a configuration problem, but probably a bug, since the problem started shortly after the last update of operating system to 8.0.6. =(

    Anyway thanks for your help.

