Kemper & Bandhelper via Midi

  • Hi Everyone, I've connected my kemper to my iPad with an Roland OM-ONE to switch presets on song selection and to make sure my effects work on the entered tap tempo. I use the iPad as master. Preset selection works great and smooth. Only problem I have with the tempo; can't seem to get it up and running; midi switches the tempo to disabled and if this is nog the case does not pass on the correct tempo in the tempo box in BandHelper's. Anyone experience with this? really much appreciated :)

  • This is how I do it:

    • For each song in BandHeper I have added the song tempo under the Tempo field (Ex: 88)
    • I have my Midi device configured at Channel 1 in BandHelper, and added it to the current Project
    • My Kemper is set to Midi channel 1, and I have selected "Use Perf. Tempo"  
    • I have created 128 Midi Presets in BandHelper, each one calling up the right bank on my Kemper
      (I have decided to use Performance Mode, and also configured 5 rigs pr song - Clean, Crunch, Rythm, Boost and Solo) just to make it neat
    • In the Midi Preset, I use the Program Changes to enter (Bank MSP, Bank LSB, Program) the values for my Midi Device (Ex: 0.0.2)
      Make sure the Midi Preset have the current Project selected, and are set to Active
    • Under each song, I have configured it to use the corresponding Midi Preset (Ex: Midi 1)
    • In BandHelper - under the Repertoire, Choose Layouts
    • Select the Layout you want to use and select "Edit Details"
    • Make sure that you have the current Project selected, and also your own user.
    • Under "Actions" - "Send MIDI", choose "Song Selection"
    • Save changes to your Layout and give it another try...