U2 (the Edge) Sound

  • Hi everybody,

    just want to know if the Kemper is possible of a U2 sound like shown in the link


    This sound is so full, so "Bell-like", so U2 like, but i cannot get it with any of the AC30 Kemper profiles available at the moment.

    My sound is much like 95% of all Youtube videos of "i still havent found...". It is thinner and not so Bell-like" like on the video.

    Any ideas of how to get such a sound (with a Stratocaster) ?



  • You need a whole lot of compression for this sound. The KPA Compressor acts a little different ftom a standard studio compressor. But you can try with the compressor in the "X" Slot. Set the Attack Time to maximum so that the pick sound doesnt get compressed. Imo the KPA compressor could use a little longer attack time...

  • Hi,donbarzini:

    i read a lot about the typical edge sound. One important thing is the use of the blue Herdim picks, played backwards.

    The other is the use of the Vox Ac30 (with blue alnico speakers). And the third is the Delay.

    I ust the Herdim picks with every AC30 profile available, and they are quiet a few, but this sound i cannot get.

    Hi tylerhb: thanks for the tip, i will try

  • You need a whole lot of compression for this sound. The KPA Compressor acts a little different ftom a standard studio compressor. But you can try with the compressor in the "X" Slot. Set the Attack Time to maximum so that the pick sound doesnt get compressed. Imo the KPA compressor could use a little longer attack time...

    I also use an old BOSS CS-2 in front of my Kemper, that one and the old 70's Dyncacomp are my favorite stomp compressors.

  • You need a whole lot of compression for this sound. The KPA Compressor acts a little different ftom a standard studio compressor. But you can try with the compressor in the "X" Slot. Set the Attack Time to maximum so that the pick sound doesnt get compressed. Imo the KPA compressor could use a little longer attack time...

    Is there any way that the compressor that is "internal" to the amp profile would be helpful here? :huh:

  • Is there any way that the compressor that is "internal" to the amp profile would be helpful here? :huh:

    The compressor in the amp section acts very different from a standard studio compressor in the way that it is a "perfect" compressor that does not have the typical tonal artifacts like the snap from the longer attack time, breathing or pumping. It is great for clean tones but it does help you to replicate the sound of a vintage opto compressor that features a longer attack time due to its way of contruction and thus it sounds different.

  • What pickups are you using in your Strat? That might make a difference.

    I've luckily got a 1989 pewter Eric Clapton Strat, and I find I can get a nice Edge tone with the KPA. I'm using Fischers 1970s vox amp profile with And44's vox cab profile. I use the analog delay, and set the time based upon the song.

    Given the mind boggling amount of equipment the Edge uses, I doubt anyone will get it 100%, but it sounds closer than I ever got it before.

  • Hi Sorefingers,

    i dont know what pickups are in the strat.

    It´s a 1979 strat and the pickups are original.

    Can you tell me how to combine a amp profile with a cab profile ?

  • Hi Sorefingers,

    i dont know what pickups are in the strat.

    It´s a 1979 strat and the pickups are original.

    Can you tell me how to combine a amp profile with a cab profile ?

    Those were bad times for Fender if memory serves. I was out Stratocaster shopping around 1980 and I remember clearly thinking the basic Strat at the time didn't seem like anything special. I remember thinking they felt cheap and the sound was kind of thin. I was looking for that big Andy Summers sound and couldn't find it. This was for the basic model that was retailing for $411 at the time.

    It was a lot more money (I think $700), but I ended up with a G&L Skyhawk and I'll put that thing right up against any Strat. The stock pickups sound great to me and the overall build quality is very good. So maybe the first thing you could do is try an aftermarket pickup... though I'm not sure what would be best. Make sure your strings aren't too thin as well. .10s are ideal.

  • Hi,donbarzini:

    i read a lot about the typical edge sound. One important thing is the use of the blue Herdim picks, played backwards.

    The other is the use of the Vox Ac30 (with blue alnico speakers). And the third is the Delay.

    I ust the Herdim picks with every AC30 profile available, and they are quiet a few, but this sound i cannot get.

    Hi tylerhb: thanks for the tip, i will try

    Fully grown male individuals™ such as donbarzini play their guitars backwards, not their picks:

    [Blocked Image: http://guitarhype.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/zxx12810531.jpg]

    Please note, you must also hang your hat on the mic stand whilst doing so, in order to not block your mojo.

  • You need a whole lot of compression for this sound. The KPA Compressor acts a little different ftom a standard studio compressor. But you can try with the compressor in the "X" Slot. Set the Attack Time to maximum so that the pick sound doesnt get compressed. Imo the KPA compressor could use a little longer attack time...

    This is what we have the Pick parameter for in the Amp section. Works much better than any compressor.
    Also the attack control of the compressor exceeds the values of analog compressor pedals.