Unhappy with my Kemper so I went on a journey!

  • It comes down to compromise in my books. The choice is between an unlimited palette of amp sounds or a smaller palette of better sounds.

    For me the former is the better approach based on the wide variety of music I play and the ease of use I'm after. Plus, my music has moved on from the stand and deliver lead stuff to more rhythm. Plus the Kemper sounds amazing to me and everyone that comments on it, so I'm not searching.

    I totally get your approach and it must sound incredible.


    I totally agree mate, compromise is key and I am driven by the sound that inspired me to play, with that in mind the Kemper isn't for me. If I had to carry both those amps to gigs along with csbs and effects I may rethink my strategy. One reason I would like to also keep the Kemper and still may (or bank the money and purchase again should that dream become true)

    I use the amps extremely similiar to how I used the Kemper too. Two core sounds, don't even both moving the gain or the eq, I just keep the same sound, adjust the guitar volume and record allowing me to focus on how the rhythm and lead fit together from a musical perspective rather than a sound perspective. In that way, identifying the sounds I like, the Kemper has been invaluable.

    It is a sweet set up and the sound and response is just phenomenal. I have yet to turn it on and not enjoy playing. I am definitely not knocking the Kemper, I loved it for 5 years and I am sure in 5 years time I won't own a Jcm800 or Silver Jubilee as my requirements/tastes will have changed or I'll just want something new.

    I would say one thing, I don't miss the Kemper, I do miss the community though.


  • I'm curious about the JCM800 profiles!

    Unfortunately I unplugged the Kemper before I removed the profiles. I don't have Rig Manager installed but if I can export them to USB via the Kemper I will upload them. I only made a few with the gain being the same but the master altered.

    I find with the 800 if you set the gain to where you want it then use the master to open the amp up at various stages it sounds much better.

    If I do upload them take into consideration they are all DI profiles of the entire gain structure with no cab.
