Perform Mode Crashes Instantly, All other Modes Work

  • HELP!

    I just started to have an issue where Perform mode crashes and gives me a menu that tells me to email. When I say crashes I mean turning the knob to Perform instantly crashes to the support menu. I have no Perform mode now. Browse and all other Modes work fine, but I did notice that recently it wouldn't save as favorites when checked in rig manager. Have tried factory reset, that did not help. I have emailed support with this picture.

    This is terrible. I want Perform to work.

    Just wanted to share with others if this is related somehow

  • Same crashes.

    Newbie in Kemper, I'm a lot disappointed with all the bugs and crashes. At least 5 in two days.

    I don't imagine if it occurs on stage !

    Moreover, functionnalities in rig manager are very poor.

    At the end, the main documentation is only in english / german. :cursing:

    It does'nt help to understand the complication of this amp.


    And I do not talk about the ridicoulous time of recording in the looper.

    And what about putting the database (and the backups !) in a windows directory. If the computer crashes, you loose all your rigs...

    Edited 2 times, last by Phauto (June 29, 2020 at 6:14 PM).