Looper changes tone with cab off

  • Hello,

    I'm running into an issue when I play through my guitar cab (using the "monitor cab off" option). I have my Looper location set to "Output" (which should mean the tone doesn't change when I change rigs). However, if I record a loop, and then switch rigs while the loop is playing, the tone from the loop changes quite drastically. This is more noticeable in studio and merged profiles - I cannot seem to replicate this with DI profiles.

    Any way to fix this? It is quite annoying since I regularly like to play with a loop and it means I can't really do that with my cab unless I choose not to switch rigs. Most of my favorite profiles are either studio or merged, and I have very little DI profiles.

    According this post the cab driver seems to affect the loop. It seems strange to me that this happens in merged profiles though since from what I understood about them means the cabdriver algorithm isn't used there.