Settings for Mission EP1-KP?

  • Hi all

    Has anyone got a note of settings for the expression pedal that'll make it behave like a Dunlop Cry baby? I've played around with my settings but the WAH is all over the place, really hard to get a decent sound from it, nothing like a real Cry Baby :(


  • Here's a thread with a bunch of different settings you can try, including several different Cry Baby models. I have several "real" wah pedals so I didn't use the Kemper's for a few years. But, now that I've tried it, it's all I use--I think it can sound as good as anything.

    Kemper Wah Settings

  • I have pretty much the same question... but beyond that, I can't even get my EP-1 KP to control the wah at all.... and I'd really like to be able to use the toe switch to bounce between controlling wah and pitch. You got any tips for that?

    two cables - one TS and one TRS

    set KPA with Wah>Pitch ticked

    set Pedal 1 (or any other number you prefer) to pedal type Wah.

    Set pedal 2 to mono switch and the function to turn on/off the Stomp Slot that has the Wah effect in it.

    However, there is a problem with this. The Wah>Pitch option means it will control Wah only if there is no pitch effect in the rig but will control BOTH if there is.

    From the manual:

    Please follow the instructions under Four Pedals: Luxury to connect and calibrate your Volume, Morph and Wah Pedals. The only difference is that there is no dedicated Pitch Pedal this time

    Afterwards, move to the "Pedal Links" page in System Settings (Remote) or Pedal Settings (Stage) and select the “WahPedal >Pitch” option. Now your Wah Pedal is ready to control Pedal Pitch, or Pedal Vinyl Stop, as soon as one of those effects is activated. Practically speaking, the pedal will control all active wah and pedal pitch effects simultaneously. This is why it’s a good idea to organize your Rigs with useful effect combinations. You could also use the Effect Buttons I-IIII on the Remote or Stage to switch individual effects, or combinations of effects, on/off, to ensure the pedal action always produces enjoyable results.

    In most circumstances, you will use either a wah or a pitch pedal effect in your Rigs, and rarely both, so them sharing one pedal is not really a limitation.”

    the solution is to have two rigs in a performance where one has a wah in Slot A and the other has Pitch. The toe switch would turn the effect on/off but not toggle between them.

    this isn’t a big deal for me as I rarely use pitch effects but might be for someone who uses them a lot.

  • thanks Wheresthedug ... I had figured it out, but had the toe-switch set to Stomp Invert.... I wish there were more options, like only Inverting A & B or something, but I realized it's not a big deal to just make another slot in the performance to do what I want. Thanks for the confirmation that I made the right moves.

    Cheers :)

  • it seems as though no matter what wah settings I have enabled, the pedal refuses to do anything except act as a volume pedal.

    I can activate the wah either manually, or sometimes with the toe switch, but all the pedal does is affect volume.

    I can't imagine that the pedal (Mission KP) is defective, but I'm at my wits end.

    does anyone know what I am missing?