Help! How can i get more clear sound with power amp?

  • I have a rocktron and i play with cab sim off through a rocktron velocity and 1 x12 v30 cab and rhe sound is quite dark and it's like if " a towel covers the speaker" . I have tge highs and presence really high to compensate this but the sound isnt clear and natural enough. What do you recommend me? Abother power amp? Matrix? Engl e840/50 Any tweak tip? I don't mind tubes colour a bit the sound if i get a good, clear and natural sound!! Thanks!

  • Have you tried switching the components? Different poweramp, different Speaker, different preamp (just to hear if its the rocktron+speaker). Hows the sound under your headphones (with the cabinet)?

    Been using Velocity myself for years and there not much that can be wrong in a V30....unless is a 16 Ohm, The Velocity works at 4 Ohm bridged or 8 in stereo, IIRC....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • It has 16 ohms..whuch is the problem??? :(

    Well, if you run the velocity in mono (4ohm) is a 4x higher impedance mismatch and it could damage the amp, out of the fact the speaker runs at a lot lower wattage then it should and therefore could sound duller.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi

    i don't know if i have the same problem but for me i can't have a loud distortion sound. Through a power amp and cabinet or loudspeaker. The sound is good at low volume but suddenly when it become loud at point to wear ear plugs the sound is crispy or it is as i have clipping but on my mixing desk it's not in red, the same for the KPA input and master led. :(

    is it the same problem or should i open a new thread ?

    Gibson Standard 1994, LTD EC-100 VB, Ibanez SR505, ENGL Savage 120

  • I have the same problem. I tried Kemper with Rocktron Velocity 120, Marshall 8008, Marshall Cab 2X12 and Marshall cab 4X12. With all gear combinations I just can get good sound. In louder settings, everything is worse (i'm using heavy distorted sound). I'm not sound freak that must have crystal define sound, but with my Marshall Jmp-1 + Velocity + 4X12 I have much better sound. I don't know where the problem is. From which I read on this forum, Kemper gives almost 100% identical sound of profiled amplifier. So it's not problem in Kemper. But it's also not problem in my gear, because I had much better results with Jmp-1.

    I'm thinking to replace my cab and velocity with some kind of FRFR or active speaker, if it would help. Does maybe the cab simulation solve the "the towel covers speaker" sound? If connecting to FRFR is speaker simulation on, like connecting to active speaker?

  • Even with the cab turned off there is a portion of the cab sound left there. This was done by design so it blends well with the sound going to the pa with the cab sim on.
    When you turn up this can make the sound come from your cab sound a little unnatural on its own (It sounds great when you are also feeding a pa system and you can hear both together). The eq on the master monitor section is your best bet here. Use the monitor out to your power amp/cab and do a global eq at gig volume using the monitor eq section. Really a matter of pushing mids a little and backing off treble.
    Another solution is to use direct profiles. There are a few of these on the rig exchange now, and they sound great with a power amp and cab right off the bat.