Be aware of the digital sonic artifacts (aliasing) in your KPA!

  • I heard aliasing sounds with my Kemper on clean patches until I did a full FLASH memory format and then restored only stock and a few other profiles. I am using 1.04 firmware.

    You have been mentioning this here and there.
    But what you have heard was some other effect, probably wrong sync with spdif.
    Did it ever appear again?

    This was not aliasing, for sure.

  • Today I heard the aliasing for the first time. I'm now on 1.09 and did my first profile on this firmware. Couldn't hear the reference amp and couldn't see any 'mute' control. Anyway, went ahead, did my standard refining. Got a profile, with quite a low volume. Good sounding profile (ymmv), but aliasing when playing above 12th fret. More pronounced when using power sagging ( I usually throw in a little). So, turn it off and initialise the rig and the aliens have gone away. I still find the volume pretty low on this profile and have had to yank the cab volume up. Still I'm pretty pleased with the resulting profile. I'd be interested to hear other users' experience of profiling in this new firmware. I may be imagining things but the profile noises sounded a bit different, more trebly. Still as loud as hell.

    My profile was not of a high gain amp. It was a tweed deluxe on 4.

    Vintage amp obsessive

  • schneidas post 205.

    Initialise rig is when you turn off KPA and press 'Rig' while you turn it on. On previous versions you would get a profile 'Initialised Rig'. Now you just get the profile (the one on the KPA when you turned it off) with its usual name, but it's initialised with no more 'Ruptcor'.

    Vintage amp obsessive

  • We have actually found a flaw in 1.09 that causes loud aliasing in the amp at high gain settings. We will have an alternative 1.09 soon.



    That's really good news. Just a suggestion, maybe you should offer some of the guys here to be beta testers for you. They seem to have a clear understanding of how these things work and are pretty good at finding issues, explaining them in detail, replicating them, producing clips,...

  • That's really good news. Just a suggestion, maybe you should offer some of the guys here to be beta testers for you. They seem to have a clear understanding of how these things work and are pretty good at finding issues, explaining them in detail, replicating them, producing clips,...

    We have a big number of beta testers.
    The flaw that I am fixing was not even heard by Hadley ;)

    On the other hand:
    A user that opens a thread pointing out a topic, after we have been in direct contact with him and promised to work on this topic doesn't really qualify as a beta tester.

    Edited once, last by ckemper (June 8, 2012 at 2:53 PM).

  • We have a big number of beta testers.
    The flaw that I am fixing was not even heard by Hadley ;)

    LOL, that was funny. :thumbup:


    On the other hand:
    A user that opens a thread pointing out a topic, after we have been in direct contact with him and promised to work on this topic doesn't really qualify as a beta tester.

    I was not referring to him specifically but more to someone like dhodgson. I understand your point about the OP and it is not my intention to tell you what to do in this aspect but being honest here, I don't see anything wrong about opening a topic about an issue to inform the users even if you were previously informed about it. Someone else that posted over and over about the aliasing and other issues without even producing one single clip, and with really much worse manners is now on your beta team.