Matrix power amp dead! After one week!

  • I know this is not kemper related and I apologize. But I feel the need to vent.

    Ive had my Matrix now for about a week (Bought brand new.). It worked well playing at low volume at home like I normally use it. I run it in parallel mode with an 8 ohm In ch a and 16ohm cab on ch b. This was researched and I asked matrix if it was ok. They said it shouldnt cause any issues.

    After playing a bit today, it sounded great, again not too loud like i normally play ( i live in a townhouse) I turned it off and tried turning it on again a few minutes later and nothing.... just dead!

    the only thing happening is there is an LED flashing every second inside the amp. Making me think its some kind of error code or something. Ive emailed matrix and asked for assistance, still waiting fir a response.

    anyone seen this before?

    Needless to say, Im not very happy. ?