Recording Main Left and Right at Same Time Benefits

  • This may be more a recording question than a Kemper question, but for those that record from the mains into a DAW, do you do a single mono track, a stereo track, or two separate tracks (one left, one right)? What's the benefits of the way you do it? I'm used to tracking a single guitar track and then layering but I'm interested to know if there is any benefit to tracking separate tracks? I'm not doing a lot of stereo delay stuff or anything like that. Kinda Black Crowes, Blackberry Smoke stuff typically.

  • I'm not doing a lot of stereo delay stuff or anything like that.

    Then you should be fine with one mono track. Just make sure that either there is definitely no stereo effect involved in the chain or you set the Main outs to Master Mono in the output menu.

    I usually record two separate tracks via SPDIF with setting Git/Stack so that I have a dry signal for reamping lateron. No stereo effects either, usually these are added in the DAW. If I want stereo effects I change the output setting for SPDIF (and usually use a stereo track in the DAW as well then). I think I could even grab the dry signal somewhere else then, e.g. Monitor out.