Switch for bringing main/monitor out EQ back to flat

  • Sometimes I find that some speakers make my profiles sound a bit different from my studio monitors. If this happens, I use main/monitor output EQ to compensate the difference and then, when I finished playing, I set the output EQ back to flat before shutting down the kemper.
    I do this before shutting down because otherwise I would get back to my studio and turn on my kemper totally forgetting about having changed the output EQ (it alredy happened a few times ;().

    The point is that, as a rack owner (so no leds on bass/mids/treble/presence nobs), it's a bit difficult bringing the output EQ back to 0. Knobs are really sensitive, sometimes i need to get down from the stage in a short time and sometimes it's really hard to see the display because of the sun or just because kemper is on the ground.

    I simply find that assigning "Reset output EQ back to flat" to one of the buttons above the display would be really really useful for me to set back my EQ in a second instead of 20 seconds.

    I hope it might be useful even for other kemper users,
