Sort rigs by midi number

  • I always assign a midi number to the profiles I like. This way I can easely make "my favourits" and I can dial them in via midi PC. It's easy and fast and I don't have to change the rig name. I would be nice if there is a "sort by midi number" function so I can acces the favs by browsing the rigs in the KPA. Agree?

  • That's already inside! All you got to do is to let the names of these rigs begin with the midi number. When you then click on sort by name they are all together in a sequence.

    Like naming the presets 10 Simply Clean, 11 VHT3, 12 Crazy ......20 Even worse....29 Damit.....and so on and assigning midi numbers 10,11,12,20,29 to them.

    You should then rename every 3rd party preset that had a leading number into something else to keep your new range free of other rigs.

    That's what I do from the beginning and it works fine. Even when you massle a midi-assignment, no problem anymore, cause the rigs are easy to find again.