Kemper delays summing issue

  • Has anybody noticed that summing the delays to mono creates a lot of artifacts? I love how the delays sound in stereo, but summed they sound phasey in a weird way and the levels get all messed up. I usually use my Kempers direct with IEM and that sounds great. However, sometimes I’ll have to run mono. I then change main output to “Main Mono” and I have to adjust delay levels just to get it usable, although the delays sound thin and weird. I don’t set Stereo to more than 100%.
    This is my main issue with the Kemper and I would take better summing over any acoustic simulators, Kones or other effects. I’m a pro producer and mix engineer and I understand how summing to mono may affect stereo effects, but the KPA has more artifacts than any other processor I’ve used.

    If anybody has found a workaround, please let me know!