Need headphone advice

  • stfuzz states the following: I forgot why I own the ATH50. But it is more hifi sounding because bass, treble and presence are more pronounced compared to the DT770.

    SteinbergerHack states this: Among those listed in the OP, I would strongly recommend the ATH-M50x. Very accurate, well-made, and comfortable for long periods of use.

    I think I’ve proven my point ;) . You cannot trust other people and their experience regarding what is good and bad sound. One of these two guys are obviously wrong. But who? :/

    We are all very colored of what we think is the truth, because we’ve experienced some stuff that points in that direction. Whether or not it being going from one setup to another and you get the feeling “ must be right what they say” or the other way around, being you searching the internet, trying all possible solutions, listening to friends and influencing people etc. Most of us are getting deceived by our own mind and ears.

    We rely way too heavily on fake information. Or maybe not fake. Inadequate information from random people who all think they have the answer.

    My best advice. Seek information about what the pros are using and what they use it for. If it’s good enough for the pros it might be good enough for you if it’s a pro user, you like. A lot of pros have been in the game for a long time and have used a lot of gear and have better ears than you and I. Do not just take for granted what random people say.

    Edited 3 times, last by b_ryan (January 6, 2020 at 8:18 AM).

  • I think I’ve proven my point ;) . You cannot trust other people and their experience regarding what is good and bad sound. One of these two guys are obviously wrong. But who? :/

    There is no “point” to be proven here. The VERY first line of my post says “I know this is subjective.”

    I’m just looking for advice from other Kemper users regarding headphones used with the Kemper. You said you don’t trust what random people say online, but then you also say to trust what the pros use. Well, a “pro” is a very subjective term too. What do you consider a pro? Only famous people or those online? I’d consider a pro in the context of what I’m looking for here as someone who has extensive experience using various types of headphones with a Kemper. And even headphone experts aren’t really of much use to me in my original question because I specifically want to hear only from Kemper users and their experience with headphones since that’s the exact context that I’m referring to here. Some dude on YouTube with over a million followers telling me that he thinks one pair of headphones are better than another doesn’t mean much to me unless he’s saying they sound better with the Kemper.

    I tried both the DT770 and the M50x. They both have solid points. But IMO after trying them both, the M50x seem to come closer to the sound of my profiles when I play them through various PA systems. If I were looking for headphones for listening to tunes or mixing, I’d probably lean more toward the DT770.

  • There is no “point” to be proven here. The VERY first line of my post says “I know this is subjective.”

    I’m just looking for advice from other Kemper users regarding headphones used with the Kemper. You said you don’t trust what random people say online, but then you also say to trust what the pros use. Well, a “pro” is a very subjective term too. What do you consider a pro? Only famous people or those online? I’d consider a pro in the context of what I’m looking for here as someone who has extensive experience using various types of headphones with a Kemper. And even headphone experts aren’t really of much use to me in my original question because I specifically want to hear only from Kemper users and their experience with headphones since that’s the exact context that I’m referring to here. Some dude on YouTube with over a million followers telling me that he thinks one pair of headphones are better than another doesn’t mean much to me unless he’s saying they sound better with the Kemper.

    I tried both the DT770 and the M50x. They both have solid points. But IMO after trying them both, the M50x seem to come closer to the sound of my profiles when I play them through various PA systems. If I were looking for headphones for listening to tunes or mixing, I’d probably lean more toward the DT770.

    Sorry to piss on your cereal this morning. Will try to never let that happen again. But indeed there is a point to be proven, even if you don’t see it. MY point! I’ll stay out of your way. Good day people.