I want to reamp my kemper with a Apollo 8 and I don't want to go spidf

  • there is a few ways to record with the kemper I found this video

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  • I've seen a lot of videos where they reamp using spidf and other interfaces but it just confuses me. I'm new to all of this and if some could help that would be GREAT. I want to reamp my none powered kemper to a Apollo 8 with out SPIDF.

    I have a Kemper Rack (non powered) and have owned an Apollo 8. In order to answer your question, I am going to assume that you have recorded a dry track in your DAW through the Apollo 8, and you want to use a Kemper profile to reamp that dry track.

    Apollo Setup:

    You will have to direct the dry track from your DAW back through the Apollo. Use the Apollo Console 2.0 application to send a virtual channel to one of your Apollo's inputs. Then route that input to an available Apollo line output. That output will need to be patched to the RETURN input on the Kemper.


    To route a DAW output signal into Console for Realtime UAD Processing, simply assign any Console virtual channel (or channel pair, when the DAW source is stereo) as the output device for any DAW track, bus, or output. That DAW output signal then appears in the associated virtual input channel in Console, and it can be processed or routed the same as Apollo’s hardware inputs.

    Once you have the dry track coming back to an input in Console, use the Console I/O Matrix Panel to route the input (with the dry guitar track) to an Apollo 8 output.

    You can see how to do this on page 61 of the Apollo Software Manual. The I/O Matrix Panel is described there.

    I suggest that you just send the dry track as is to the Kemper for reamping. But there might be a situation that you'd want to add some compression to the dry track. If you wanted to use a UA effect (like Distressor, for example) before the Kemper, you can insert it onto the track in one of the insert slots.


    In your case, just connect the output on the Apollo to the RETURN jack on the Kemper.

    Select the rig you want to use. Connect the Kemper's output to an input (or a paired input for stereo output from the Kemper) on Apollo.

    In essence, you are using the Kemper as an outboard effect for the Apollo. So try to think of the setup as if you were putting a pedal into your amp's serial effect loop.

  • ok so what I have so far is the two main outs on the kemper connected to the input 7 and 8 on the Apollo 8 and the direct out of the kemper to the input 5 on the apollo 8 and the output 1 one on the Apollo going to the return input on the kemper. Now I have to Use the Apollo Console 2.0 application to send a virtual channel to one of the Apollo's inputs. Then route that input to an available Apollo line output. and then that output will need to be patched to the RETURN input on the Kemper. right now I've been checking out a few daws and trying to figure out which one I want to use. I think I'm going to go with fl studios a bit of a learning curve and trying to figure out how to do all of this while getting to know the daw as well but I believe im on the right track. seen examples where some people recorded the di track and the wet track at the same time and then reamp that track. im a bit of a newbie at all of this. I think if I had a video to go along with would help a lot or a slide show on the console part. if you know any videos that you think that would help that would be excellent thanks again