Static noises through spdif

  • When i turn on the delay or reverb i hear a static type noise for just a couple of seconds then it goes away. It's a popping clicking noise very similar to what you would get with a buffer overload on a computer. This only happens using spdiff and i don't hear it at all using analog outs. Is it just me or is anyone else having this issue?

  • Did you check sample size on your audio interface?

    I can confirm 100% its not my soundcard buffer sample size Its the same regardless what buffer size i choose. I will have no clicks at all from the Kemper until i engage reverb or delay then after 2 about seconds of static it behaves normally. Its no show stopper for me but just a bit irritating

  • Have you set your sound card to use the Kemper as the word clock? With S/PDIF you can only have a single clock source or you will get that static issue.

    I have my interface to External Lock and it shows as being locked at 44.1kHz, so that much is working. I can try the XLR outs and see if I get the same type of clicking when changing profiles.

    The popping stops seconds after switching but it kind of sucks anyhow. I am more worried about the SPDIF lacking headroom.

  • I may have found my issue, maybe this will help others.

    Using SPDIF out on the Kemper into my DAW sound card I got clipping with most profiles without changing anything, much much too loud. Here is what I found:

    Inserting a Gain control on the SPDIF input allowed me to remove all clipping with all profiles. I had to drop the Gain by -10-15DB(depending on profile). After this the Kemper sounds perfect. Exactly like the XLR outs.

    I probably don't understand SPDIF. I figured that a device cant send a SPDIF signal passed +0db but in this case I must be wrong about what is happening.

    The static popping that may happen when switching profiles was cured by doing a SYSTEM reset, so that much seems fine now. Happy Kamper now. :P
    Also, it helps to max the Master Volume even if you use the SPDIF (and the Master has no effect) because you can see if the output levels are clipping via the Clipping light.

    PS thank you C.K., your advice about changing gain controls along with statements about dropping overall volume levels by 6db got me on the right track.

    Edited once, last by mikeb (April 26, 2012 at 5:23 AM).

  • I did the memory reset, but still got the crackles, but only after switching patches for a few seconds and then it is fine. I am using SPDIF as well and the soundcard is clock to the Kemper, also I don't think it is cliping since it would happens more often than just after switching patches.

    Is this now an official bug or everybody else got it sorted out with the reset?

  • I did the memory reset, but still got the crackles, but only after switching patches for a few seconds and then it is fine. I am using SPDIF as well and the soundcard is clock to the Kemper, also I don't think it is cliping since it would happens more often than just after switching patches.

    Is this now an official bug or everybody else got it sorted out with the reset?

    Man, mine is a constant crackle.. I will communicate this to support today..

  • We are reading the forums, so it is not pushing things forward by sending seven equal messages to our support.
    We are aware of that little crackle that can happen on a rig change. This will be cured, but takes a bit of time.
    I will have a look at the artefacts over Spdif. I will be out for summer vacations, so allow some time as well for this.


  • Yep except ultimately I had to perform a full system FLASH MEMORY FORMAT. You can find the thread in this forum which I detail how to perform the reset. That actually fixed all my volume problems as well as the popping

    Please do not recomment your memory format every week. Problems can have so many reasons sources. You might create more confusion than solutions.