Please help me choose a commercial profile pack

  • After browsing around online I saw there are many great commercial packs. I already own one of the big Amp Factory packs which sounds awesome.

    I’m looking to buy another pack which would be great for Indie Rock like eg Kings Of Leon sound.

    Can anyone recommend a pack? There are just so many now...

  • Have you tried all the free rig packs available via Rig Manager? That should give you a clue. There are also many good rigs in Rig Exchange. I, and many others, use the rmpacheco Morgan AC20 as our #1. I confess, I changed the cab on mine to one of the Celestion Blues, however :)

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Have you tried all the free rig packs available via Rig Manager? That should give you a clue. There are also many good rigs in Rig Exchange. I, and many others, use the rmpacheco Morgan AC20 as our #1. I confess, I changed the cab on mine to one of the Celestion Blues, however :)

    where can i find a good celestion blue (ir?)

  • I remember when I first got a kemper and thought "I just need one or two good profile packs then I'll be sorted" - 1000's of profiles later, I've found some great ones, but it's a long process... The Kemper is VERY sensitive to pickups, what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Audition as many profiles from as many different places as you can, and even then you're going to end up buying packs you never use. But persevere and you will find what you're after, and loads more!

    All that said, I would definitely recommend trying Live Ready Sound - main reason I'd happily recommend these to anyone (regardless of pickups or style) is there's such variety of tones in each pack (100's usually) that you're almost certain to find something that both captures the amp settings you're after AND works with your pickups.

    btw, I wouldn't get into the whole IR thing until you've found some studio profiles you're happy with - it's a deep and potentially unrewarding rabbit hole...