Just an easy power metal test with my UV777 and the Rhodes Colossus profile by WPROM001

  • Sound really cool.

    Which Legacy profile did you use in your other Clip?
    I really like that one. Did you tweak the Legacy Rig?

    I have problems with the legacy rigs. They have very loud and flubby bass that does not want to sound right.
    I am using an Ibanez Jem...

    Thx, Sascha

    Hi Sascha, thank you!

    I used my UV777 but it has an Evo7 in the bridge, so it's now basically a JEM as well, although by the time it had a Blaze Bridge model which is kinda like a mid scooped pickup with even more bass and treble. I can get a very similar tone, though.
    I don't have too much problems with the Legacy rigs from the start, I loved them as they were immediately, no flubby bass at all, and I mainly use the LEGACY414HG2 rig with some little tweaks.
    First of all, if you are into lead playing, a little delay goes a very long way in rounding up the tone overall. I sometimes also like using reverb for even more "space" and "room" - it even tailors the frequencies a little bit.
    What I usually do with every rig if I don't like them for the first time is changing cabs. Tills' cabs are the best around, and for the Legacy tones I like using the Mesa V30 cab profiles, because the original cabs have V30 speakers as well.
    I usually leave the deeper cab options alone, because I don't feel them linear enough to make realistic changes. Instead, I try to tweak the amp settings a little, the ones I like the most are Definition and Clarity. With Definition you can turn the amp into a more modern sounding thing, lowering it will make it more vintage. Clarity cleans up the tone a little, it takes away some of the fizz/raspiness that you might experience with some amps. I have to say, though, that I didn't change any of these in my Legacy profiles.
    Next one would be the amp EQ, these controls are very very sensitive and even the slightest tweaks (around 1.0 value) have a huge impact on the tone. I usually use this to correct my low/mid/high end problems, and try not to go over 1.0 in tweaking any of these because it won't be a linear change, as the amp tone stacks are not profiled.
    If I want a major change, I usually put an EQ in the X slot, and with this, you can totally rebuild your tone. Think of this as an EQ in your amp's loop - major change to your tone. This might be the solution for your bass problems.
    If I want more gain, I don't like to use the amp's gain control so much as it's, again, not really linear, but there are quite a few options that I like using in one of the 4 preamp slots. I usually go with the Tube Screamer as I don't have any problems with its honky mids, but other options I love when I don't really want to color my tone are the Lead Booster and the Pure Booster. I don't like using a compressor for lead tones because it takes away my space in terms of playing dynamics.
    Sadly, I can't tell you the exact settings for the tone I've used there because since then my KPA got toasted and I Iost all my rigs (didn't do a backup by the time), but I can get a very similar tone by tweaking things the way I just explained. If you still have any questions, shoot, and of course, good luck for finding your own tone.


    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • By the way, thank you guys :)
    Yes, the Universe is a great instrument and I'm more than happy to have it as a main guitar and that I finally got myself a 7 string... just a whole new world.. (not like in Aladdin!!) :D

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.