Rhodes Colossus, YJM100 (JUST ADDED)

  • Tried doing a DI profile of my Rhodes Colossus. Fined tuned for Drop C-tuning. This is ch. 3, fat engaged, profiled using the DI out from my hotplate into the Kemper. Not sure if I am doing this 100% correct but it came out pretty cool to me :)

    Cab is a Tills Recto, props to Tills for some killer cabs!

    On the rig exchange, let me know what you think! Any tips on doing DI profiles?


    Edited once, last by wprom001 (April 9, 2012 at 6:57 AM).

  • Will - bravo! I love this profile....in all honesty, the price of the Kemper is worth this profile alone. So friggin' METAL..and super expressive!!!

    GREAT JOB. Very "tweak-able" as well...

    Keep those profiles coming...this one is a keeper for sure.

  • Will - bravo! I love this profile....in all honesty, the price of the Kemper is worth this profile alone. So friggin' METAL..and super expressive!!!

    GREAT JOB. Very "tweak-able" as well...

    Keep those profiles coming...this one is a keeper for sure.

    :thumbup: Glad you dig it! I hopefully will be able to get a properly micced profile done in a couple of weeks.

    Will try to get ch. 4 up soon, that one has a bit more upper mid voicing and sings for leads. Ch. 3 on my Colossus is lowmid and just brutal!

  • Just added my YJM100, this was done with hotplate out into the Kemper. Jumpered inputs, most controls at noon, bass at 1:00, volume at 9:00 for both 1 & 2. Power scaling at 10:00.

    Props to Tills again for the awesome cab, using his 1960 cab.

    I tweaked for more of a "brown sound" type thing going on. Can get Yngwie easily if you switch out the stomp for something more like a DOD. Check it out! Added stomps for PHA/FLA and sauced up to the max :P . Recorded and tweaked in less than 15minutes.. can be tweaked a lot to fit your needs but I was having more fun playing than tweaking this thing! I'll leave it up to you guys to tweak it. :thumbup:

    Uploaded a tweaked version (V2) on my take of what a marshall plexi using a lot of poweramp breakup sounds and feels like.

    Also for reference, I am running the Kemper into my Studio monitors (HS80M). Played through my American Deluxe Strat (HSS) - Dimarzio Cruiser in neck/mid, Dimarzio AT-1 in bridge. To me the sound is great through my monitors, YMMV.

    Edited 3 times, last by wprom001 (April 9, 2012 at 7:32 AM).

  • Thanks! I really like the colossus. It sounds way different once you remove all the "effects" equalization etc. I see uses for it with the effects on and off so good deal!

    I didn't realize you could achieve this, but the scooped effect of the EQ is really accented by the green scream. I'm not much of an effect guy, but great way to really accent this amp!

  • Thanks! I really like the colossus. It sounds way different once you remove all the "effects" equalization etc. I see uses for it with the effects on and off so good deal!

    I didn't realize you could achieve this, but the scooped effect of the EQ is really accented by the green scream. I'm not much of an effect guy, but great way to really accent this amp!

    Yeah definitely try both ways! I think some of the effects were from another patch (Ola's I think) I only spent about 10 minutes tweaking mine and haven't refined the profile yet, just messed around and got it sounding close to what I wanted and just stuck with it :)

    What's cool with the Kemper is this was done without miccing a cabinet, was just the hotplate set to load, line out into the Kemper, using a Till cab. Probably one of the best low volume solutions I have found yet.