{Mattfig}. FREE Profiles for review on this thread

  • Guys,

    I don't advertise nor spam forums with my friends to promote. This is obviously at my detriment as mattfig.com does not get much traffic.

    I attest that my profiles are better than most and will put up now....Make a request and send me an email at mattfig@mattfig.com and I will GIVE you the FULL profile pack(s) of request. All I ask is that you come back here and share your experience.

    Thanks and let the games begin,


  • Hey Mattfig,

    I'm one of the lucky ones who got a couple of your profiles on Facebook to test (I'm the one who got both the BE100 and Marshall+ packs).

    Just wanted to let everybody know that your profiles really stand out. The BE100 pack has some amazing tones indeed. And I have to say that I like these way more than the profiles of this amp made by other big names of the profiling scene. Kudos!

    Kindest regards,


    Ps: I'm working on a proper review, but considering the amount of profiles included in these packs I'm going to need so time ;)

  • Thanks a million Rantam! That is EXACTLY why I wanted to do this....It seems some profilers really saturate the market with ooohs and ahhhs while some of us more quiet people tend to lose out...

    Truth is, I own a tube preamp company and entered into Kemper in good faith and intention...I get grief a lot still for this...

    I can hardly get traffic to my site if I don't employ a team of people to spam every mention of Kemper with my name..

    Thank you much! Balance is good!

  • I bought the Acey 30 pack a few months ago because I have always liked the sound of a AC30 but never had the privilege to play through one. Along came the profiler and one of the things I had to check off the bucket list of amps was to get a AC30 pack as soon as possible. I came across Matt's page on here and went and listened to the samples of the Acey 30 pack and I was sold. I immediately bought it and started to play...

    The pack comes with 42 profiles, 6 of which are DI for those with their own cab. I don't have a cab so I was more interested in the studio profiles.
    Matt has profiled the AC30 both in normal and top boost channels through various gain stages from clean to raging full on crunch. He gives you not only the traditional Alnico Blues that the Vox normally comes with (my favourite of the pack) but he also gives you Creambacks, V30s, Classic Lead 80s, Lynchbacks and Greenbacks cabs too. This should cover all manner of genres from the U2 cleans to Queen rock with a treble boost in the front end.

    My go to profile is the "Acey30 + AL". All gain and no pain from the Top Boost channel driven hard. I stick the profiler's treble boost in front and with my 335 I get as close to the Queen sound for me to be happy. It's crunchy and saturated and keeps you coming back for more...

    Great job with these profiles Matt!

  • Hey Mattfig,

    I would like to try the CC30 Profiles and will write a review after testing.

    My e-mail: mako1964@gmx.de

    Kindest regards,



    THANK YOU CelticGibson! Much appreciated ....Much!

  • Hi Matt,

    thank you for sending the CC30 profiles. I just tested them and think they sound superb

    with humbucker and single coil on my Gibson studio monitors. There is a great range from clean to


    I also like the reverb and delay settings.

    Kindest regards,


  • Thank you Matt for sending me your BE100 profiles. I am only through the middle gain profiles but I really like what I have played so far. These profiles are really high quality.

    On some of the lower gain profiles I used a compressor-soft shaper- green scream-reverb- delay combo that was just money. I could use that all night.

    Thank you again. Your profiles are really great. I’m thinking about trying you Soldano x88r profiles next.

  • Thank you Matt for sending me your BE100 profiles. I am only through the middle gain profiles but I really like what I have played so far. These profiles are really high quality.

    On some of the lower gain profiles I used a compressor-soft shaper- green scream-reverb- delay combo that was just money. I could use that all night.

    Thank you again. Your profiles are really great. I’m thinking about trying you Soldano x88r profiles next.

    Thanks much for the review. I am pleased you enjoy them and are satisfied with their quality. I am extremely meticulous in profiling but not very savvy as a business person. Hence this thread for promotion.


  • I am surprised that more people are not taking Matt up on his very generous offer and reviewing profiles.

    I compared the BE100 pack to the BE100 2.0 pack. I was curious what the differences are. Besides the gain settings, what really made both packs great was the cabinets and speaker choices. The BE100 pack is the higher gain one and has my favorite combination for the BE100 (which I own) a Bogner 4x12 with Vintage 30's and Greenbacks. In my opinion the that is the magic combination for the BE100. It is captured brilliantly and roars. There are other choices, but I'm just going to list my favorites.

    The Be100 2.0 pack is lower gain, but was approached starting from scratch. This is not a turned down version of the BE100 first pack. Multiple 4 x 12 closed cabinets in his pack too, but my favorite is a 2x12 partially closed with Celestion Elite 80's. Great choice for the mid to lower gain settings. Rolled the volume back a bit on my Les Paul and got lost playing AC DC songs. Beautiful tone in this pack too and very versatile.

    Both BE100 packs are winners.

    Matt also included an Orange OR100 pack. Thanks again Matt!

    No surprise here the 4 x 12 Bogner with Vintage 30's ruled. Until I tried the Bogner 4 x 12 with Heritage G12's. OMG, that one is amazing too.

    This amp kicks some serious ***

    All the packs are 50% off at the time of my post. So, now is the time to pick them up.

  • I shall ask here too...

    First, thanks and I'm happy to help...

    Second, this is my perspective....I started making profiles after trying most other commercial packs....I would like to think I bring something different to the table as I like and use my own profiles....I understand fully that that doesn't make them better....But perhaps there're others like me, who hear what I tend to work toward in profiling...

    SO, what has been the general shortfalls of commercial profiles for you? Don't name specifics please, just general things that made you continue the hunt for more...



  • As I’ve bought lots in the past, I generally only buy ones that are a bit special now. There are only so many Marshall JTMs I need. Amps that have a history or that aren’t the standard ones interest me most.

    They need to be dynamic, and respond well to different guitars. I also like DI profiles as I often use a real cab.