Major volume change and clipping after Reset?

  • Hi All

    My Kemper is about a month old. when i got it i thought the volume of all profiles were really low. recording direct my levels were low, so i would just turn up the volume or move my faders up on my mixer going direct to cubase on my mac

    my fractal 2 levels, 11r etc were all alot higher by default

    not a big deal

    but then i read here others did a reset with the system button and the volume was higher

    well i did that, i powered it off, held in the system button and did the reset

    NOW WOW, every profile is REALLY LOUD. i mean with my faders set to under 0 and the DEFAULT volume for each profile coming up it CLIPS like crazy! every one of them

    i know you can turn down the volume with the knob but i need to do some sort of system side master volume decrease.

    anyone else run into this? how did you fix it?

    i like that its louder but these are unusable and a real pain to listen to till i turn each one down.

    thanks for any help

  • hi

    if i understand you correctly there is an overall MASTER volume then? for the unit? still being so new to this one i didnt knwo that, if that is so that would be fantastic to lower it and save it!

    can you tell me where that is if so?
