My name came up on the axe wait list

  • For me both are great, each does something the other can't do as well, that's why I've kept both, for the fun of it I tried playing both with similar patches on a pretty decent size PA, each panned to one side only, and what a huge sound!!!! lol Still only use AXE II live, will only try the KPA live when the firmware matures a bit more.

  • Relax. :)

    This forum is at peace with the universe, it's just peace & love around here, we don't fight, we all love each other...don't bring negative energy. :D

  • Nah man u have taken this all wrong. I actually owned an axe before and thought it was decent. Why did I start this? Because months ago I put my name on a list which apparently would make it somewhat more affordable. I have had my kpa for a couple months and have made use of it. I didn't have to get on some wait list to make it more affordable to me and I paid several hundred less for it even after my coupon came up.

    So besides functionality, it was obviously a no brainier on which I should go. I could either have no product to use for months while I wait for the coupon which would effect productivity or I could I paid through the roof to jump the line. Which I actually did the first time around.

    So fractal actually helped me decide which to go for by their system and availability

    I am actually thankful for the cause I much prefer the sounds possible with Kemper at this point. I just find it funny that after waiting a long time my coupon finally came up and thankfully this while time I have ha the Kemper to keep me up and working.

    No need to feel defensive it's not a knock on anything except the process for me really. If I were rich I'd maybe have both. But I don't feel the need to have both

    Edited 2 times, last by audioholic (April 7, 2012 at 6:41 PM).

  • Sorry to hurt your feelings there bro. Being the sensitive type maybe you shouldn't come to a forum of a competing product and expect to hear nice comments. And yeah cool. Maybe get some real amps. Us Kemper users have those too.

    Edited 2 times, last by Animus (April 7, 2012 at 12:34 PM).

  • After 4 months I received an email from G66 that my Axe 2 was ready to ship. I had the KPA for 2 months then and I was so convinced of the quality that I cancelled the Axe 2 order. I sold my Ultra for a good price to finance the 2. Now after cancelling the 2 I have hunders of euro's left.......Untill today I have no regret of that decision.

  • For me both are great, each does something the other can't do as well, that's why I've kept both, for the fun of it I tried playing both with similar patches on a pretty decent size PA, each panned to one side only, and what a huge sound!!!! lol Still only use AXE II live, will only try the KPA live when the firmware matures a bit more.

    Same here. Axe-fx user since 2007 . Solid live and studio box period. Digging the KPA tones but probably will not use it live with my cover band. I can dial in my tones so much quicker with the axe. I just need more time to get used to the KPA. We cranked up one of my half stacks the other day and I got to say I still love them too! It's nice to have choices.
    The fanboy crap doesn't do any good to any product. Like love or hate, it comes down to what gets your juices going.

  • Sorry to hurt your feelings there bro. Being the sensitive type maybe you shouldn't come to a forum of a competing product and expect to hear nice comments. And yeah cool. Maybe get some real amps. Us Kemper users have those too.

    You are demonstrating my point.

    First of all, my feelings are not hurt. The fact that you feel the need to belittle others to prop up yourself and your view makes your position that much weaker. I suspect that your need to do this comes more from your own sensitivity and insecurity.

    Second, I don't see why I can't come here to learn about something I may want to buy. As funny as it may seem to you, I have owned equipment from a number of different manufacturers and not once did I feel the need to view them as "competing" with each other. Frankly that's just juvenile. I never looked at a Fender and thought it was any less "better", or competing with a Marshall or Mesa, or whatever. The right tool for the job, is all this stuff is about, the way I see it.

    To call an Axe-FX "AssFX" says more about you than the Axe-FX. Which brings me back to my original point.

    Enjoy "winning" your battles!

    Peace out...

  • dude, I am not belittling anyone. If you get a corncob up your ass just because I jokingly call it AssFX and then come all the way over to the Kemper forum to lambast people for saying they gave up the waiting list slot since they liked the Kemper better then you are the one with the problem and confirmation bias insecurity.

  • ah common ass fx is funny no matter what. I have done many tracks with the axe fx, laugh at ass fx, there are many more names floating around about the axe Fx, all of them are funny. Whether you own it or not. If funny names float around about the kemper, then I will chuckle too. why so serious? :)

  • .....exactly!!!!!

    To quote Sgt. Hulka, "Lighten up Francis!!!!" Geeeeeeezzzzeeee. What a sensitive and frail ASS (I mean AXE) community out there! It's just gear guys.

    I actually embrace my COSMIC TOASTER!!!! I often just say now....I'm bringin' the Toaster to the gig!!!!

  • 'Ass FX' is an ironic choice since the Fractal effects are considered among the best quality available. I too feel this is a better place without such coarse condescension to any of Kemper's 'competition'.... I would think Mr. Kemper is happy that users of other products/other boards are visiting this place to see what the KPA is all why say things that could run them off?

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • As a musical tool, each certainly is usable and has its own benefits. However, strictly speaking as a modeler, there is just no question that the KPA far exceeds the AxeFX at sounding like what it is intended to emulate. I have fooled myself as well as others almost exactly 50 percent of the time when posting A/B clips of the KPA vs the amp it is emulating. That number is MUUUCH lower when doing blind tests with the AxeFX. And for what it's worth, "AssFX" is pretty damn funny in my opinion.

  • If the KPA is fizzy, then the amp profiled was fizzy. The problem is that the KPA is only as good as the profile it is playing back. The Axe just always has a sameness to it, regardless of what name is assigned to the amp it is supposed to emulate. That was the issue I had with it - not that it wasn't usable, but that it almost never sounded very close to what it was said to be modeled after.

  • I was speaking of proper form on a user board such as this - no need for 'Ass FX' or 'Kemper Fizz Factory' - such names seem to be more antagonistic than descriptive...

    Agreed, that there's no point in being antagonistic.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • For the record: I am more interested in creating great (maybe new) sounds than strictly duplicating existing amps, because the basic amp is usually only one part of a great sound 'nowadays' - it is the final impact and expressiveness of the sound that wins the day for me. Another way to say it....'I don't need it to sound like a particular '62 Marshall, I just need it to sound/feel & play like a dream'.

    All modelers known to man 8o