Help & suggestions for my workflow? Would like my KPA to be Jack of all Trades for fast recording.

  • Hi,

    I make tracks all day/everyday. I record a lot and need to work fast. Before the KPA I used a ton of plugin sims to do this mostly. Like Pod Farm 2 allowed me to have thousands of "style presets" organized (and downloaded from the users group) to work fast. I had/have all the usual types organized: Trem presets, Ambient, crunchy, Octave, jazzy, Super wet, crystal clean, etc etc etc. Even to type in and search Stones, Beatles, or a players name was useful to me. I know the KPA is not created for this type of thing but it seems it can get real close now that the FX are getting so great!

    I kinda break it all down into building blocks that I use constantly to create fast, but the KPA is fashioned after “amps” and not complete chains so I’m trying to find the best way to work it into my workflow. It's just not fast enough for my work to have great tones... and build the chains/fx every time... as if I was recording an Artist album.

    I want to organize the best I can and create/ gather as many cool usable profiles /presets I can. I was trying to sort & choose the most usable stuff (for me) and keep in the KPA and get to work. But now I'm thinking I should just work with Rig Manager "open & connected" ALL the time. There are just too many advantages not to for my workflow. Folders, organizing, searching, unlimited profiles, Rig Exchange live, fast navigating etc. I want/need to have my KPA as a "jack of all trades" for lack of a better term.

    Another way I was thinking of doing this was to use the Performance section.... and create 5 decent trem in one performance slot, 5 ambient in the next, 5 U2 style delays in another etc etc.

    Any insight or suggestions would be great that I may be overlooking or not thought of yet.

    Now if Kemper would release & offer for sale a "Native" FX Plugin that communicates w/ the KPA /matches the presets.... that I could insert & always edit after tracking that would be AMAZING and icing on the cake!
