Impulse Responses with the kemper?!?!

  • Hi, so I've had my kemper for a few months and love it, but I'm curious do you get a better sound with a kemper by using impulse repsonses?? How would you even load them into the kemper? Is this even recommended? or is IR'S better for amp sims?? Answers are much appreciated!!



  • This is all a matter of preference and depends on the IR's. I've had some profiles sound great with IR's, others more sterile, sometimes with the same IR. Likewise, some Kemper cab captures when done well are excellent, but if they are not mic'd well (or to my liking) then it doesn't much matter.

    After some time of experimenting I tend to just use full profiles rather than subbing out the cabs for IR's. When done well they're every bit as good or probably better, but I can understand if guys are using an IR that they're used to from their real amp into a DAW or another modeler, they want to keep using that familiar sound.

    There's also the issue that's been brought up several times that the Kemper converter for IR's doesn't come out fully preserving the original. I don't have the personal experience to share with that, just seen a number of threads over the years bringing it up.