Pitch pedal issue with FCB 1010 controller

  • Hi, 1st post from me so hope this is in the the right location?

    I have the Behringer fcb1010 and it works really well, but I have an issue (or a perceived one) when setting up the pitch pedal effect with the expression pedal. I find it works really well as a wah, but when I use it as a pitch pedal, I find that the effect is delayed when sweeping through heel to toe quickly. In other words the pitch is noticeably slow in reaching the desired pitch (in my case a 2 octave jump), and the picht ‘sweeps’ through the note range rather than jumping to the desired pitch. Like this, it just doesn’t sound like a whammy pedal, or other alternative and I can’t get that Tom Morello sound:(

    Can anyone tell me if this is as expected on the Kemper or maybe I have set up incorrectly or inadvertently changed a setting?

    Thanks in advance!

  • I have the 1010 with the UNO chip and it works flawlessly. That said, all the uno chip does is configure the 1010 to play better with the kpa, doesn't make it do anything it doesn't already do.

    On to answer your question: (1) it's simply *going* to sweep. That's what the effect is supposed to do. Mine does it just as fast as I can mash the pedal down. (2) the 1010 is a fantastic device for the price, but the expression pedals are not known for their stoic calibration. Try calibrating yours per THIS LINK and see how it fares. Then, go into the effect menu on the kpa itself and see if there is a pedal sensitivity parameter. I don't recall there being one and I'm not right near mine but something in there might help.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

    Edited once, last by VoodooJef (February 22, 2019 at 5:16 AM).

  • Thanks for the response. I should have mentioned I have the EurekaProm installed. Regards the sweep - mine does not do it as fast as I can move the pedal, that is the whole issue - and gives a wired effect. I have used Digitech Whammy, plus the pitch shift pedals on a BOSS GT3, Roland FC300 with VG99, and my little portable cheap mulitfx unit and all work as expected except the Kemper.

    Thanks for the link, I have calibrated but to no avail. I will try and look for a sensitivity parameter, it is entirely possible I have inadvertently messed up a setting somewhere (although as a wah it works perfectly)!
