Connecting boss gt-10 to unpowered kemper the 4cable method.

  • I have a GT-100 and use the 4-cable method. Make sure to set up as you would normally:

    -Guitar cable into GT Input

    -GT Output into Kemper's Return input

    -GT Loop Send into Kemper Input (on the front of the Kemper)

    -GT Loop Return into Kemper Direct Output/Send

    Make sure that you have Kemper's Loop Mono FX active and set in the X (or Mod) slot, mix at 100% - you should be all set to then use GT effects, turn off the Kemper preamp as needed (when disabling the GT loop), etc. With that in mind, I've found the Kemper's effects are at least (if not better) than the Boss effects and am looking to move to the remote controller and replace the GT.

    Good luck!