Installing the new reverbs...

  • After numerous efforts I succeeded to update the profiler and the RM. Still it's not an easy process... OK for me, that is... The video of Tone Junkie helped me after this to get the new reverbs. As shown in that video you don't see the new reverbs after updating the profiler to 5.7. But I got there finally.

    Thank you all for all your contributions. It sure was worthwhile because those new reverbs sound awesome. And that's what is was all about...! :):):)

  • Can I upload the new update 2.1.71 using a USB stick as I have done with version updates in the past? I have never used rig manager....I know.... but Ive had no need to use it thus far.

    And 2.1.71 is where the new reverbs are found?

    Thank you

    Well learning Rig Manager is not a big deal. You should learn it even if you don't use it now... But I am pretty sure you'd find it very useful if you take the time to explore it . It's not rocket science you can learn it in minutes ... And as I updated both RM and my system at the same time, and hey the reverb are very good.... I can't help you now as I started by updating directly from RM. So how can i explain it to you then ? You dont wanna hear about RM?.... so my suggestion is learn to use RM first and we will explain how to update the way we did. I wonder how you do to classified your rigs if you don't use RM. Good luck

  • DennisJ I know you are right! I will probably have to use RM. I only use about 8-10 rigs for live use so I really have no need for RM for that purpose. I was thinking that this new reverb update was to be installed just as I installed the new system update via USB memory stick but obviously, this is a bit different. Once the bugs are worked out, anyone know if this update will be available that way? Just a simple upload off the Kemper website as previous system updates have been available? Is it something to do with the fact that the current update is Beta?

  • DennisJ I know you are right! I will probably have to use RM. I only use about 8-10 rigs for live use so I really have no need for RM for that purpose. I was thinking that this new reverb update was to be installed just as I installed the new system update via USB memory stick but obviously, this is a bit different. Once the bugs are worked out, anyone know if this update will be available that way? Just a simple upload off the Kemper website as previous system updates have been available? Is it something to do with the fact that the current update is Beta?

    You'll probably create more rigs with the new reverbs... Thats ok. I understand that you are not the kind of user with 2000 rigs (like me) all classified by category but if you create many sounds adding the new reverbs to your actual miracle 8 rigs that do it all ;) it would be great for you to get a back up on a R Manager . So your best direction is to go for the RM and the reverb after and i hope a taste to improve what you already got. I buy rigs regularly from cies and without RM I could not classified all of them , I cant live without it