KPA road transport solutions, share yours! :o)

  • Hi Everybody,

    I really really really love my KPA!!! But I can`t understand how such a professional device is built in such a weird form factor!!!! Hey Mr. Kemper, ever thought about how pro musicians every day life is? Yes, we don't use it just at home or in the studio! If it should survive the second week on the road you need a custom case! And boom, a relative light device becomes heavy like a real head, where's the joke?! Did someone had a look inside? The enclosure is almost empty!
    So here's my suggestion:
    Now that you got all the attention of the guitar world, pleeeeze throw your few DSP's in an one or two rackspace device! For example, an one rackspace "baby kemper" without power amp, loop and profiling ?!?!?!? I would love that, and any flight luggage limit too!!!

    But for now we have to live with how it is.
    So let's exchange some ideas.
    Here is mine, how is yours?

    6 rackspace case, 5 for the KPA (mounted on a rack adapter) and the rest for my in ear and the motu ultralite wich I use as a digital mixer

    my current Gear: Custom Strat´s (Konstinger Ultimate Guitars), VoVox Cables, KPA, Custom Floor Board, Line6 G50 Wireless, Sennheiser IN Ear, Motu Ultralite mk3, Genelec 1030A, Neumann TLM 103, Apple Audio/Video Stuff