• Hi All!

    I Just wanted some opinions on a choice to make regarding using the kemper live or to buy an amp.

    I have been playing guitar for over 20 years but never actually owned a real tube amp..

    I started out on a fender mexico strat going through a boss se 70 and a borrowed fender London reverb. Long story short and many digital devices later i have now played a few gigs with my prs mark holcomb evertune through the kemper and dxr10. Sounds good and nothing wrong, but i crave more thump ? So the question is, buy a victory super kraken with a 2x12 or Just go for a dxr 15?

    Maybe some advice will hjelp me make the right choice.

  • Currently in drop b, so the 15" will help in that regard i guess.

    But the wicked tube witch has cast a curiosity spell on me that i need some feedback on what to do with:)

    LOL, if your unit is powered just add a cab of your choice. I have 2 DXR10's, but i would opt for the 15 personally! A tube amp cranked is a beautiful thing, so if your wallet can afford it - buy one! 8):thumbup:

  • I don`t have the powered one. I had a matrix amp going in to a mesa 2x12 about two years ago, but all the profiles sounded much the same so i went for a frfr instead. Another thing that is positive with the frfr is the sound dispersion, the 2x12 was very directional. Hmm choices:P

    So you with tube amps, did you have any issues with directionallity of a cab vs frfr?

    Or maybe the question i should be asking is, is there anyone who have gone from digital to tube amp and have either a positive or negative experience with that choice? :)

    Edited once, last by Xander (October 26, 2018 at 5:46 PM).