Bogner Fish with Cantrell mod pack now available

  • Dude was sitting here thinking about it; I’m really stoked for the Recto and the Mark too; I can’t wait to blend those with the Snorkler and the Fish and see what happens.

    I’m reasonably certain I’m going to end up kicking any profile that isn’t from SFG out of my Kemper unless it’s something you guys just haven’t done yet.

    I’ve always really liked the Kemper from day 1, but this is next level shizz for sure.

  • Dude was sitting here thinking about it; I’m really stoked for the Recto and the Mark too; I can’t wait to blend those with the Snorkler and the Fish and see what happens.

    I’m reasonably certain I’m going to end up kicking any profile that isn’t from SFG out of my Kemper unless it’s something you guys just haven’t done yet.

    I’ve always really liked the Kemper from day 1, but this is next level shizz for sure.

    Glad you like it and I passed on the comment to Mark. He was reluctant to do this Kemper stuff at first but now he really likes the technology and we both have fun with profiling and experimenting with different amps and settings.

    Fun fact the LB or load box profiles in the Fish profile pack were actual DI profiles ran through an original Jose Arrendondo (sp?) load box that actually was Jose's and Van Halen had used in the 80's on a few tours. After Jose died and Mark's business partner inherited the shop Mark ended up with this unique one of a kind load box. We plan on using it more and experimenting on future profiles. We will also make a video of it on our channel.

    I saw a niche with the Kemper profile market and I saw that I could fill a void with really cool amps and a mad scientist amp designer to shake up the profile community and I am glad you guys like all our stuff. Mark did this hoping we would be the best or in the top five, never mediocre.

  • Ok if you are a previous customer and want to buy the rest of the collection just send me a PM and we can work out a bundle price.

    I currently sell the Mark Cameron Collection which is all of Mark's amps for 123.00 on Ebay and it includes 7 profiles. It does not include the Bogner Fish or Snorkler packs since those were not true Cameron amps only influenced or tweaked by him.

    If you want the profile packs with studio and cab profiles that package is available for a 100 dollars. That includes the Blue, Red, Bogner Snorkler and Bogner Fish.

    Any of you guys that don't have these profiles should really jump on this deal from SFG. I bought the pack for over $123 BEFORE the Blue, Snorkler and now the Fish were even discussed, then added the Blue, Red, Snorkler and Fish individually. I'm not complaining in the least, J will tell you I harass him regularly for new stuff ;) but just evidencing how incredible of a deal it is to get these collections for those prices because I'm sneaking up to $300 spent for the complete collection of SFG profiles. The Aldrich profile alone is worth it's weight in gold !! If you're digging any of the clips from SFG just get them all. You will NOT be disappointed and I speak from experience. I have purchased from all of the big name profilers you can think of. They are good, but truly SFG is another level. Thanks as always J !!

  • Dude was sitting here thinking about it; I’m really stoked for the Recto and the Mark too; I can’t wait to blend those with the Snorkler and the Fish and see what happens.

    I’m reasonably certain I’m going to end up kicking any profile that isn’t from SFG out of my Kemper unless it’s something you guys just haven’t done yet.

    I’ve always really liked the Kemper from day 1, but this is next level shizz for sure.

    When you say "blend" you mean multitracked in a recording correct? Just making sure I didn't miss a trick where I can combine profiles for a multi-amp tone live ??

  • You can blend them with 2 kempers like i do....catch is you have to sell your soul and every thing else like me to afford them :D.

    I blend the Aldrich and pumpkin...just a wall of sound.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I bought the full collection of SuckerFreeGear profiles last night. I completely agree with charvel1984 about the Aldrich profile. Although I normally wouldn't consider paying $25 for a single DI profile, the Aldrich is ridiculously good and surprisingly versatile.

    Glad you enjoy and hopefully my recommendation helped. The funny thing is how spoiled we are as Kemper owners. I don't bat an eyelash at $25 for a profile (but honestly would only spend that on SuckerFreeGear profiles) considering that for $25 you're essentially buying an entire amplifier rig. If someone offered me a Marshall modified by Cameron for $25, I'd buy as many as I could haha

  • You can blend them with 2 kempers like i do....catch is you have to sell your soul and every thing else like me to afford them :D.

    I blend the Aldrich and pumpkin...just a wall of sound.


    The thought has crossed my mind to run 2 for this purpose...but for now I just run my KPA with an ABY switch to one of my other tube amps. No complaints so far :thumbup:

  • What do you guys want next?

    Fully loaded IIC+ Long head like Metallicas profiled with a original 84 Explorer with original pickups which I don't believe anyone else offers a profile pack of regarding the loaded IIC+?

    The Adam Jones 1995 Blue Face VH4 profiles with a 81 Silverburst Les Paul custom?

    Jeff Hanneman Heiniken Marshall head modded by Mark for Jeff and Jeff's personal custom ESP Heiniken guitar?

  • I honestly think charvel1984 might have an aneurysm if anything else but the Diezel comes next so I’ll change my vote to the VH4 too.

    I’ll say this tho; I don’t like that amp, I don’t like playing that amp and I’ve never enjoyed any profiles of that amp, even the $50 one on eBay. I don’t know that I’d buy the pack but I’d be interested in hearing it, cause I have faith in you guys SuckerFreeGear

    If you’d have told me 3 months ago that I’d be recording using nothing but Marshall profiles I’d have laughed in your face but you guys converted me.

  • I wouldn't say aneurysm....maybe more of a temporary eyetwitch could develop. My interest in the VH4 is simple. If it were simply tones of the VH4 and it's 4 channels then, MEH. They're out there and could be tweaked. What interests me MOST is that this is SuckerFreeGear doing the profile, using the correct guitar and aiming for a particular artist's tone. I'm a big Adam Jones / Tool fan and as such SFG could simply profile Channel 3 ONLY in a few different tweaked settings and I'd still buy (probably prefer). I have a Silverburst and the VH4 tone would be impeccably matched as only SFG could do. If this was the James Hetfield VH4 tone I'd have voted IIC+. That said I certainly will support SFG and buy a IIC+ though it's not my favorite Hetfield tone let alone my fave Boogie tone if it comes first or when it does drop. In fairness to other voters I have my library set up as all of my favorite artist tones from Dimebag to Tom Scholz because I play covers all across the classic rock thru metal spectrum.

    Steinmetzify is vastly better at original music and recording than I ever will be and I can see him having less use for the VH4. I agree with him that the VH4 is an otherwise less impressive amp outside of the Tool context or studio raw 'Tallica rhythms. I never thought I'd want the Doug Aldrich tone much less 50 Marshall amps yet here I am :thumbup:. Now if this was a write-in ballot I'd have voted for Entombed Wolverine Blues profiles ha! But that is not something an amp-guru like Cameron should be bothered with ;)