Parametric EQ in the "EQ" section

  • Hi everyone !

    Wouldn't it be great to have the possibility to choose a more developed EQ in the stack session ?

    For instance, having the choice to remain with the amp-like EQ (as it is now) or to use a parametric EQ (such as the stomp box one) to cut deeper and with a more precise way into the signal ?

    It would also avoid to have to use a stomp box for EQing more precisely...

    It could be a simple button, "parametric EQ" rather than "amp EQ" (such as, for instance, "cab monitor off")...

    Let's discuss this guys ! ;)

  • I hardly ever do enough EQ tweaking to care but I understand where you are coming from. In my case, if I need more EQ I don’t have a problem sticking it in an FX slot but then I don’t use a lot of FX either so maybe I’m not the best person to judge it.

    However, CK did say recently that the EQs in the Main Out and Monitor Out sections would be getting updated to at least include High Pass and Low Pass filters. Would it be appropriate to make them fully parametric instead?

    For the avoidance of doubt, I’m not trying to say that just because I don’t need it no one else should either. Just trying to think of there sre other ways to achieve it with things that already exist or appear to be in development alrady. However, if it helps even one user without harmong others then I’m all for it.

  • ...the EQs in the Main Out and Monitor Out sections would be getting updated to at least include High Pass and Low Pass filters. Would it be appropriate to make them fully parametric instead?

    For the Monitor out, yes :) One really needs to be able to tune backline depending on speaker/cab, location etc. Proper tuning at FOH should take care of the Main out.

    However, output eq is very different from the stack eq. Output eq only affects a certain output, and applies to all rigs. Rig eq applies to all outputs, but only the selected rig.

  • The EQ section is not even close to the EQ of a real tube amp.

    There's a lot of room for improvement and I am hoping for a firmware that addresses this. Maybe something like in Bias where you can choose from a bunch of common tone stacks, because I know that profiling the actual EQ is tricky if not impossible.

    The Kemper isn’t a modeler though. It just profiles what the amp sounds like at particular settings in a particular environment (pretty darn accurately.) I think people often lump it into the modeling group; but it’s in a league of its own. I usually do most of my shaping with EQ’s in stomp and X slots. None of the adjustments I make are specific to the amp I profile. For example: I don’t shut off the graphic eq on my VHT Ultra Lead, profile like that; place the eq in the X slot, and expect it sound like the amp would’ve if I’d profiled with the GEQ on to begin with. I just make the amp sound like I want, profile, and adjust it until I get what I want (regardless of what the settings look like)

  • I know. The best thing would be to profile the EQ section, but the interaction between the different bands could make that difficult, especially how to make that process accessible to the profiling user.

    But until the folks at Kemper come up with a smart idea, I would appreciate anything better than the static non-parametric EQ that we have now. Even if it made the Profiler a Modeller in this regard.

    The whole stomp and FX section is modelled already, btw.