Any experience with Behringer MPA battery powered speakers?

  • With our metal band we'll play a gig in a streetcar/tram (about 40 guests) and we already have a quite strong and loud battery powered PA for it. For an even distribution of the sound in the whole vehicle we want to use some additional speakers with "average" power.

    The Behringer MPA40BT, MPA100BT or MPA200BT could be suitable for our needs, but unfortunately these are not at stock at any of my local dealers so I can't compare or check them out.
    One of my local dealers had a Bose S1 Pro, which sounded good, but was not loud enough and IMHO the price is too high.

    Does any of you have any experience with the Behringer MPA or suggestions for other suitable battery powered speakers?

  • I ordered, already received and tested a pair "Behringer MPA200BT".

    Here is a short comparison to the "Yamaha DXR10" and "Bose S1 Pro".

    Behringer MPA200BT vs. Yamaha DXR10

    The MPA200BT are a bit less dynamic, but still quite good. The sound is more "british, but well balanced, I couldn't notice any unpleasant peaks. Their maximum volume level is (as was to be expected) less than the DXR10's, estimated about 60%. From a certain point the MPA200BT's limiter does it's work.

    Behringer MPA200BT vs. Bose S1 Pro
    The S1 Pro seems to have more bass, but I guess this is just a trick ;) At low and medium volumes both speakers sound good. The maximum level of the MPA200BT is noticeably higher than the S1 Pro's, I guess about 30%.

    I paid 279€ for one Behringer MPA200BT.

    Conclusion: for sure there are better sounding and more powerful speakers in this price category, but these are battery powered! The sound quality is good and a pair would be ok for about 20-30 people at high (not extreme) volume levels.

    IMHO the only competitor is the much more expensive Bose S1 Pro.

    If you have to be independent from the power grid, you might have a look at the Behringer MPA200BT, these are really nice small and mobile speakers.

    I tested the speakers with both KPA and some up-to-date music productions (e.g. Judas Priest - Firepower).

    Some interesting details and photos of the MPA200BT can be found here:…-DTS-r1-3156553

  • Last weekend we had an event and used the Behringer MPA200BT: it was disappointing, because one of the speakers switched off after a few seconds and the other one after about 30 to 60 minutes (didn't notice the exact moment).

    Although the batteries had been connected to the charger for two days (the display said 100% full) and according to the manual they would last up to ten hours. Of course I didn't expect the batteries to last that long, but two or three hours should have been possible!?

    It seems these models have a problem in the charging units, but anyway: for me this is not reliable and I'll send them back. This is a sad thing, because during the previous tests and rehearsals the sound was good.

    For this event we were lucky to have some other speakers in spare ;)