Erratic Knobs

  • Hi,
    I've had my kemper a week or 2 and i love it! alas i seem to have issues with the knobs in the bottom section. If I'm dailing values in, they jump around all over the place making it impossible to set the value i want.
    Is this because i am playing sound through the guitar at the time or because certain values cannot be set together?
    The second knob is worse and can even jump around if i don't move it.. this makes it impossible to set other settings as it keeps jumping back to that setting. I tried a factory reset and re installing all the rigs and the latest firmware but still I have the issue.
    This is a video of what happens

    Edited once, last by ThudKMPR: Added video link (September 12, 2018 at 9:03 AM).

  • Mine has a similar fault on the bottom right knob from the day I got it. When you turn it, you normally get nothing, then it registers and jumps to the current position. Sometimes it drifts on its own.

    Kemper offered to fix it, but I wasn't in a position to send it back from NZ after waiting several weeks for delivery so I just live with it. I find pushing in while turning makes it perform more smoothly.

  • Thanks for the tip. I also dont really want to be without it as it sounds so sweet and I'm using it everyday. I'm in Netherland and only drove 1.5 hours to pick it up, but i was already returing a brand new marshall that wasn't good. They don't make stuff like they used to.
    I was hoping it was just a software bug but reading further I am worried it's mechanical (dry joint or bad pots).
    It's very frustrating if something of this price has issues with build quality or uses dodgy parts.

  • I too seem to have a very similar problem. Just noticed your thread right now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to send it in anytime soon since I'm doing re-amps and recordings for the bands/individuals that I work with (editing, mixing, mastering etc.) and I tend to use it regularly.
    Have you found a solution to this other than sending it back? I haven't tried factory reset or anything yet.