First gig with the Kemper...

  • And it performed much better than the Helix and AX8 I had previously :)

    Here's a clip of one of the more complex songs, where I had to work out how to volume swell without an expression pedal, and get the right effect for the solo -…60860245905437/

    Only downsides I discovered were -

    1. Needed a lot more delay in the mix - 50% didn't cut it

    2. The remote footswitches are very very close together...!

  • Great to hear you had a good gig mate - I bought Kemper about 3 weeks after they came out - and in that time sound engineers have changed from 'what the f*ck is that thing and why do you need XLRs for an amp?' to 'oh great a Kemper - you've just made my life a million times easier!

    Where abouts in blighty are you?

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • Great to hear you had a good gig mate - I bought Kemper about 3 weeks after they came out - and in that time sound engineers have changed from 'what the f*ck is that thing and why do you need XLRs for an amp?' to 'oh great a Kemper - you've just made my life a million times easier!

    Where abouts in blighty are you?

    Cheers mate - I just play bars and pubs so we don't get the luxury of sound engineers, only me :)

    I'm down south in Bucks.

  • Only downsides I discovered were -

    1. Needed a lot more delay in the mix - 50% didn't cut it

    2. The remote footswitches are very very close together...!

    the delay always sound quite strong in isolation and then disappears in the mix. I have been constantly edging the percentage up every time I hear a live recording.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5