Browse 'Last Imported' Issue

  • Apologies if this is a repeat: I don't see a forum search functionality and browsing the thread titles in this forum area, first page only, I didn't see it mentioned.

    In a certain condition just after start up, when I browse RIGS using the Left / Right buttons of the Rig Navigation Cross, while in the 'Last Imported' view, it jumps to a rig WAY far away from where I was.

    Recently purchased Profiler Rack (don't recall the OS it shipped with, but it was lower than 5.5)
    Updated to OS 5.5
    Device works fine.
    Found out about 5.5 Content (rigs and cabs) that didn't come with the OS update, so I loaded all of those via the USB import
    Changed the view to browse "Last Imported"


    • Browse to "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2"
    • If I press the LEFT button of the Rig Navigation Cross, I go to the prior rig in the list: "TAF - High Watt WL+"
    • If I then press the RIGHT button, I of course go right back to "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2"
    • If I press the RIGHT button again, I go to "TAF - Mars 800 Cr 2" and back to "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" if I press the LEFT button again, all as expected


    • Be sure your RIG is "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" or browse to that rig
    • Turn the Profiler off, letting it fully power down
    • Turn the Profiler on to Browse mode and let it load to where you can see the rig "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" in the display
    • Press the LEFT button of the Rig Navigation Cross
    • RESULT:: it goes to "MB - Dr. X Crash 2 3" (several dozen scores of rigs away).

      • A RIGHT button press does NOT take you back to rig "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" , but instead selects the next RIG in the list, which for me is "MB - Dumb ODS FB3"
    • EXPECT: to go to the rig named "TAF - High Watt WL+" as in step A-2 above


    • Be sure your RIG is "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" or browse to that rig
    • Turn the Profiler off, letting it fully power down
    • Turn the Profiler on to Browse mode and let it load to where you can see the rig "TAF - Mars 800 Bst 2" in the display
    • Press the RIGHT button of the Rig Navigation Cross
    • RESULT:: it goes to "MB - Fried Man 4" (several dozen scores of rigs away).
    • EXPECT: to go to the rig named "TAF - Mars 800 Cr 2" as in step A-4 above

    Let me know if you need more info.

    Nothin' too good for my dog.

    Edited once, last by NotASpeckOfCereal (August 31, 2018 at 1:27 AM).

  • <crickets>

    If this really isn't a place to report issues / bugs with the profiler, can someone point me to Kemper's official issue tracking methods?

    If my steps are too detailed, just try this:

    • Take a Profiler older than v5.5
    • Upgrade the OS to v5.5
    • Import 5.5 rig content
    • Browse 'Last Imported' with power downs and ups to see the errant behavior with browsing in order

    Or if this was ignored because it's a well known issue, please say so.

    Thanks, Chris

    Nothin' too good for my dog.

    Edited once, last by NotASpeckOfCereal (September 8, 2018 at 5:10 AM).