• I’ve had the LFR since October last year. At the time I pitted it against the:

    • Yamaha DXR-10 and 12

    • the Headrush

    • Line 6 Powercab

    • Alto TS212

    I took my AKG K92 cans with me to A/B what I was used to hearing to what was coming out of the speakers. The Laney was the clear, clear winner. Now I play a LOT of Van Halen, so finding something that could deliver that chewy midrange (the one that really stands up when you drag out upstroked chords) was essential. I had difficulty finding headphones that did this and went through a lot before settling on the K92s, but that’s a story for another post.

    The Yamaha’s sounded clinical and were a bit harsh in the upper frequencies... and compared to the Laney, really not that loud! They reminded me of my studio HS7 monitors. Clear, but no fun.

    The Line 6 was the biggest disappointment. It was the quietest on test and I had it at full volume. (Oh the poor folks at PMT). What I could hear in my cans sounded nothing like what came out of the L6. This was a quick no, no.

    The Alto was the runner up, it wasn’t as harsh as the Yamaha, was the second loudest on test, but was a little boomy and undefined. And it looks terrible.

    Now for the Laney. I tested this first of the bunch vs the L6. It beat the L6 hands down so qualified for the next round, so I A/B(/C’d?) each speaker against the Laney and then against what I could hear in my headphones. This thing is loud. Very, very loud. I was brave enough to put it on half volume with my Kemper master on 100%, but i was wincing with the dB level. Ear damaging volumes for sure. It sounded fantastic, straight out of the box it was very close to what I could hear in my headphones and that distinctive VH midrange was there. I didn’t think it was overly boomy like some have said, perhaps with the 4x12 cab sim switch on, but I have it running flat. After a couple of hours testing at the store I went home with the the Laney.

    At home, I ran the Laney through the “monitor out” and had my cans in the “main out”. I spent the next few days tweaking the EQ on the monitor out until it sounded near as dammit to the sound I hear from my AKG’s. The Laney is a beauty!

    I went in to the store to try everything they had, if I didn’t like anything, I was going to order an Atomic. I would have paid 3 times as much for the Laney, the fact it is less than £400 is astonishing.

    For anyone looking for an FRFR, make sure the Laney is in your test list!

  • Hello again everyone! Finally got the Laney after waiting longer than expected ^^
    I think it sounds amazing ! There is so much clarity and bottom end ( not TOO much) and most of my favourite profiles translate really well ! I don't feel like i'm losing any punch when i compare it to using my Laney Ironheart and 2x12.
    I used some Reampzone and Sinmix profiles with a guitar which is in drop B and it feels and sounds incredible ! I also tried some cleaner/crunch profiles with some other guitars with the same result :) It's made me want to buy some more profiles lol, in particular some Tonejunkies haha.
    However I did feel like my top jimi profiles didn't sound AS good as through my studio monitors for whatever reason ?( They kinda felt a little less "real" or "boxy", which is a shame because Top Jimi profiles are really fun to play through when i'm just sitting at my desk. Anyone have a bit of advice regarding this ?

    Anyway, that's my review of it after having it for a day! Really glad I bought it and would recommend to anyone looking for a great unit at an affordable price :)

  • Hello again everyone! Finally got the Laney after waiting longer than expected ^^
    I think it sounds amazing ! There is so much clarity and bottom end ( not TOO much) and most of my favourite profiles translate really well ! I don't feel like i'm losing any punch when i compare it to using my Laney Ironheart and 2x12.
    I used some Reampzone and Sinmix profiles with a guitar which is in drop B and it feels and sounds incredible ! I also tried some cleaner/crunch profiles with some other guitars with the same result :) It's made me want to buy some more profiles lol, in particular some Tonejunkies haha.
    However I did feel like my top jimi profiles didn't sound AS good as through my studio monitors for whatever reason ?( They kinda felt a little less "real" or "boxy", which is a shame because Top Jimi profiles are really fun to play through when i'm just sitting at my desk. Anyone have a bit of advice regarding this ?

    Anyway, that's my review of it after having it for a day! Really glad I bought it and would recommend to anyone looking for a great unit at an affordable price :)

    i have this amp to , now and then when turning on the first minute i mase this hissing sound and then vanish , this does not happen all the time . you encounter this aswell?

  • Hey again guys. So i used the LFR at a rehearsal and had a hard time with it. I couldn't get the volume past halfway on it without it clipping :/ I messed with a few output options and volume on the kemper but had no luck. Anyone got any help regarding this ?

    Thanks in advance :)