Profiler with 2 MIDI devices

  • Hi
    I have just got my Kemper and am loving it already.

    I would like to connect my iPad song book app via MIDI (OnSong) so it changes patches as a song is selected. That seems pretty straightforward from what I can see.

    But I would also like to have the ToastME software hooked up at the same time whilst I am at home setting up rigs etc.

    I am a real MIDI novice so sorry if it is a dumb question. Can I have both things connected and running at the same time? If so, how do I hook it up and configure?

    I am using a FocusRite Scarlett 18i8 Audi Interface which has MIDI in and out.

    Many thanks

  • You'd need some kind of midi merge device. This would route the output from the iPad as well as from ToastMe to a single midi cable and then into the Kemper. You don't need to send midi back to the iPad, so you could just send a regular midi cable from the Kemper out to the Focusrite so that you can sync with ToastMe.

  • Hi,

    Damian says:

    "He need a second midi interface . Connect iPad MIDI out to ->MIDI In of second interface . Then in Toast ME he need to setup second Interface as Controller Device, and set CTRL Device -> OUT Device THRU . It should work but never tried this."

    Or you could use a MIDI merge box connected to Kemper IN, with iPAd OUT and PC OUT connected to it. Same channel.

    Please let us know if this is clear enough.