EQ in the kemper for recording?

  • I EQ in the Kemper, I try to get the best sound I can before recording

    My device is : garbage in garbage out

    So if its good before recording it also means it is ready to go on stage too...
    I take my time but when I am happy I dont touch it anymore

    GForce :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  • I was wondering if people turn off their kemper EQ while recording and just use a post recording EQ or if you use your pre-post stack kemper EQ and then do another EQ once it is recorded?

    It depends I guess. Generally I will leave it on. I have quite a few "Artist"/Producer" packs by a certain company, and many of those profiles are absolutely mix-ready to my ears. The only post-EQ I usually run is whatever I have on the main bus for mastering purposes, I tend to leave the tones from the KPA alone. That said, many profiles are not mix-ready and need post-EQ.

    It's a good question, but I've generally had the best luck leaving the profile as the profiler intended, as much as I can. Of course, that could just be a reflection of my ability, of lack thereof, to get the sound I want by tweaking things myself...one of the many reasons I love the KPA.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • It depends I guess. Generally I will leave it on. I have quite a few "Artist"/Producer" packs by a certain company, and many of those profiles are absolutely mix-ready to my ears. The only post-EQ I usually run is whatever I have on the main bus for mastering purposes, I tend to leave the tones from the KPA alone. That said, many profiles are not mix-ready and need post-EQ.
    It's a good question, but I've generally had the best luck leaving the profile as the profiler intended, as much as I can. Of course, that could just be a reflection of my ability, of lack thereof, to get the sound I want by tweaking things myself...one of the many reasons I love the KPA.

    pre or post stack?