To lock, or not to lock.....

  • Hello, guys.
    I've read many threads (and the manual.. :| ) about this topic, but still very confused about the lock function specifics in Browse and Performance modes.

    In Browse mode, I've setup my Stomps and Effects blocks with basic settings I like, locked them and saved blocks as presets to be safe. That allows to quickly audition
    profiles without having to tweak effects all the time. This works far so good.

    Now, I find a rig I like, so I switch to Performance mode. I'm aware that the lock function works independently in both modes,
    So I go ahead and proceed with setting up rigs and fx on all slots in the performance and store it. Still no issues there.

    Now, I go back to the Browse mode and here's where I'm puzzled: individual modules in both blocks have changed. Either the settings of the modules (Rev, Delay, Mod,) or the fx itself has been replaced by another.
    The Stomp and Effects blocks are still locked, though.
    This is what I don't get. If the lock function works independently in Browse/Perf, why the hell doesn't it come back to my initial presets when switching back to Browse mode????
    What I end up doing each time is unlock both blocks and dial in to retrieve my saved block presets.... :cursing:

    From what I've read in older posts, some users do experience this, others say they have no issues, But no clear explanations or workarounds.
    I'm kinda lost, here. Hopefully, someone can clarify all of this for me and my thick skull, once and for all.

    Thanks in advance!!


  • replies......
    Then it could be my unit. (I'm on 5.5.2)

    Just to make sure, before I contact support, could someone quickly test the following on their device, please:

    - In Browse mode, select fx's for each module in your Stomp or Effects block and Lock it.
    - Switch to Performance and select one, browse and replace a rig in any of the slots with another rig and store it.
    - Go back to Browse mode and check if all effects in the locked block were left intact.

    On my device, block(s) gets altered 100% of the time, (modules are either empty, fx is replace by another, or fx preset is different)
    (Looks to me like it carries over the rig fx & settings from Perf to Browse and overrides the locked block)

    Thanks for your posting your results.

  • Hmmm .... it all seems to work alright for me .....

    I went back and forth a few times and changed presets and performances to rule out anything that might be left 'in the cache' so to speak (not that I expected it to)

    I'm on

  • Hmmm .... it all seems to work alright for me .....

    I went back and forth a few times and changed presets and performances to rule out anything that might be left 'in the cache' so to speak (not that I expected it to)

    I'm on

    Thanks for checking it out.
    By any chance, are your Stomp/Fx blocks locked in Perf Mode?

  • Is it possible, that the locking function has nothing to do with it?
    If I implement a Rig via Browse Knob in a Slot in Performance Mode, then exactly this Rig also appears in Browser Mode when I switch back to it.

    The deciding factor is, I have to select a rig via the browse knob.

    Can you confirm that?

  • Is it possible, that the locking function has nothing to do with it?
    If I implement a Rig via Browse Knob in a Slot in Performance Mode, then exactly this Rig also appears in Browser Mode when I switch back to it.

    The deciding factor is, I have to select a rig via the browse knob.

    Can you confirm that?

    Hi, Peter. Thanks for your reply.

    I can confirm that selecting a rig via the browser knob in Perf triggers this behaviour.
    If I only switch back and forth between Browse & Perf, nothing changes.

    From what you are saying, at least I know it's not a device specific issue.

    Still, that kinda defeats the purpose of locking blocks in the Browse mode.
    I get that the Kemper only loads one profile at a time so if you select a rig in Perf mode, it carries over when switching back to Browse.
    But since the lock function is supposed to be mode dependent, it should revert back to the locked state when switching between modes, no?

    This is where I get confused. For me, having to reload all my settings in Browse after building/editing a performance doesn't make any sense.
    Unless something's wrong with my workflow and there is a simple workaround for this?