Which coaxial cable do YOU use for the S/PDIF connections?

  • I am trying to reamp using S/PDIF. I bought these cables from Monoprice, and they will not work because the connections on the Kemper are too small and recessed. I should have known, they're obviously huge.


    So I need to order some different ones (or maybe different connectors, these seem to come off with an allen set screw), and I would like to know which cable you personally successfully use in your Kemper, so I don't make the same silly mistake twice. I was looking at these, but they still look slightly large compared to a RCA cable (which I did try, but was not happy with).


    I appreciate any input, thank you.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Prob best to post what audio interface/DAW your using to help Brother :)


    Sure, though just for clarity, I'm just looking for a cable that is confirmed to fit in the Profiler S/PDIF I/O jacks.

    DAW is Studio One 3 Pro.

    Interface is RME Babyface. The Babyface uses Toslink connectors for it's S/PDIF protocol, so I got one of these, one of these, and two of these, along with coaxial cables posted in the OP. The coax didn't fit, so I tried yellow RCA cables. I was able to maintain sync, and was able to get it to where I could put down a DI track in my DAW, press Play, and hear the reamped sound as I scrolled through different profiler. Then it seemed like it "broke", and I couldn't even do that anymore. It is extremely possible that any issues I had were user error, since I'm extremely new at using an actual DAW, and there's so much I don't know, but I spent a fair amount of time trying to get it to work, and before I spend more on it, I want to make sure I have the correct cables.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • okay, maybe this will help , keeping them as short as possible (sorry if you already knew that) as this was advised to me by a rep when i asked the same thing :), maybe some one else can chime in.

    the SP/DIF connections on the Babyface Pro are run through the ADAT lightpipe connector, whereas the Kemper has SP/DIF on coaxial connections, so the two are not compatible in that regard. That said, the AD converters on the Babyface are unbelievable quality and it would be a shame not to use them for you Kemper. So, the best way to run the two together would be high quality balance audio cables, as short as possible



    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • okay, maybe this will help , keeping them as short as possible (sorry if you already knew that) as this was advised to me by a rep when i asked the same thing :), maybe some one else can chime in.

    the SP/DIF connections on the Babyface Pro are run through the ADAT lightpipe connector, whereas the Kemper has SP/DIF on coaxial connections, so the two are not compatible in that regard. That said, the AD converters on the Babyface are unbelievable quality and it would be a shame not to use them for you Kemper. So, the best way to run the two together would be high quality balance audio cables, as short as possible.


    Yeah, that was the direction I was going in after I had trouble getting the S/PDIF working and decided I didn't see a reason to send my signal through those cheap converters (though I'm not sure if it affects the sound), and the converters are a big part of the reason I bought the Babyface, so that's very good advice.

    I got a 3 ft cable to go from the Direct Out to the XLR Line in R, ran a 3 ft XLR from my Main output L to the interface Line in L, set my inputs in my DAW, adjusted Clean Sens, and after a while I was able to get a very close reamp, to where I don't think I could tell the difference. The trick was to hit the Kemper input hard enough, in case anyone is having any trouble with the tone sounding different (and of course Reamp Sens).

    My only problem is the noise. It's not bad, but it does have to be watched. Which was the whole reason I was going to try using S/PDIF, it is goes through less converters and should have less noise, so I read. Seems like I got better results using Git + Processing as it was much less hot and didn't require as much gain to be taken off with clean sens and then added back later, if that makes sense? So maybe you're right, it's best to just reamp analog.

    If so, I do have a question: Is there any way to follow the advice of the post you quoted and reamp using balanced connections? The Main Output XLRs (and the headphone jack?) are the only balanced outputs on the Profiler, are they not?

    Is there any way use the mains to send a wet signal to one side, and a dry one to the other?

    Thanks Ash.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • If so, I do have a question: Is there any way to follow the advice of the post you quoted and reamp using balanced connections? The Main Output XLRs (and the headphone jack?) are the only balanced outputs on the Profiler, are they not?

    Is there any way use the mains to send a wet signal to one side, and a dry one to the other?

    Sorry brother i would not have a clue as i have not even got mine set up yet and or bought it, i contacted a rep for the baby face, maybe a rep would help?


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.