New update 1.0.6

  • Excellent rubric, Per. Now these things can be measured.

    Before Reboot vs. After, Estimated Match:
    Before Reboot vs. After, Exaggerated Match:

    The white trace represents "Mr. Nice Guy"'s response to white noise before reboot, the yellow after as per Per's instructions. The red represents the difference between the two (i.e, what it would take to change the former into the latter.)

    The first EQ match is realistic; the second match is exaggerated to bring out the details.

    As you can see, there's about a 2dB shelving lift in brightness above 6K, a gentle rolloff below 200Hz and maybe a .5dB drop around 1kHz in the post-reboot version.


  • 7) Play the same open chords as before and listen to the tone, you should notice it being markedly brighter and lacking in bass and mids.

    Hopefully that will help. Whichever is the correct one it's important that the KPA is consistent no matter what the setting. With that particular rig i prefer the boot up sound, but with e.g. the UWE jtm's I prefer the "switched" sound. Either way it shouldn't change.

    Per, I believe it is as in my case: you prefer the "before" rig, because your ears adjust to the rather dull sound. Then, by the time you go to the "correct rig" (by changing back and forth), your ears think it is too bright, when in fact, it is the correct version. This is exactly what happened to me, and to Capitancamparro as well in the beginning. You play the dull (incorrect) version for a while - and the correct (bright) version sounds piercing and thin then.
    Listen to the clip posted by Capitancaparro. It is very obvious there.
    Put your media player to loop that clip, and this will happen to you:

    first part - you'll say "sounds right"
    second part - you'll think "meh, sounds too bright"
    third part - your ears will have adjusted now, so you'll think "ok, sounds good"
    first part again - you'll notice now: "wow, that's super dull!"

    The first part is 1.0.6 after boot up, the second part is 1.0.6 after the rig switch, the third part was 1.0.2 (recorded when it was released back then).
    Capitancamparro's clip was really quite relevating for me.

  • I have been following this from post#1. Great stuff guys, I wish I've had more time to contribute myself.

    My question is: Would you suggest to update to 1.0.6? As far as I understand the bug is also in 1.0.4 (which I currently use).


    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Yes, I don't see a harm in updating to 1.0.6.
    We all went a bit paranoid over this bug. But apparently it was there since 1.0.4 and noone ever noticed it.

    Lance reports a master volume change when upgrading from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6 though. I'm not sure why exactly he switched back from 1.0.6 to 1.0.4 though. Maybe Lance could chime in here.

    EDIT: Some users report that 1.0.6 has some issues with profiling. So if you're looking to profile an amp - you might wanna hold off on updating.

    Edited 3 times, last by schneidas (March 13, 2012 at 10:27 AM).

  • I dunno, I have no amp around so I can't test. If I'm not mistaken, Feck said that he tried to profile an amp with 1.0.6 and that with 1.0.6 - he couldn't get it to sound like the amp. He changed to 1.0.4 and all was fine then.
    I think it is earlier in this thread buried somewhere

  • EDIT: Some users report that 1.0.6 has some issues with profiling. So if you're looking to profile an amp - you might wanna hold off on updating.

    Maybe the profiling issue would be avoided with a system reset. I have no amp here in my office at the moment to check it.

    Last night I used 1.0.6 for 3 hours rehearsal without any problem. Did a lot of tweaking (cabs, eq) and MIDI assignments, used monitor out and main out. Everything fine. Solid as a rock.

  • TY. Will update tonight.

    I have serious intentions to profile my amps (JTM 45, Roadking II, MARK V, Koch) with different cabs and mics at some point, but for now playing with the already provided profiles & rigs plus finding ways to integrate the KPA into my workflow is keeping me quite busy.

    I am not a pro - so I usually take it slower a step or two and follow the lead of others to a certain extent.
    Let me say this: I really really appreciate the input from you guys around here.


    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Great to see all you guys 'on the case' - with so much info, I'm sure CK will resolve this soon :thumbup:

    Having been in the process of software development myself - I can relate to how difficult testing can become.
    Isolating a bug and making it "reproducable"sometimes becomes way more difficult than fixing it afterwards.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Ok, Kemper support got back to me.

    For the German speaking guys:
    "Wir haben mitlerweile gute Soundbeispiele von Usern bekommen für diese Sound-Differenzen unmittelbar nach dem Neustart. Ich hatte das Problem gestern auch auf meinem Testsystem unter 1.0.6, kann es aber jetzt nach diversen Resets/Downgrades/Upgrades (wegen diversen anderen Tests) nicht mehr reproduzieren.

    Unsere Entwickler sind sich ziemlich sicher, daß das erste Rig (welches ja das letzte vor dem Abschalten war) beim Neustart nicht komplett sauber initialisiert wird. Das heißt, ab dem zweiten Laden hört man den Originalsound und nur der Erste ist verfälscht. Unter welchen Konditionen dieser Fehler aber passiert, wird noch untersucht. Wie gesagt, ich kann es heute unter 1.0.6 nicht wieder reproduzieren!?"

    For the English speaking guys:
    I'm too lazy to translate everything word by word but basically, they are working on it.
    They recieved many soundfiles and error tickets (btw, thanks to everybody who sent one).
    They were able to reproduce it. But after various up- and downgrades of the firmware and multiple resets, now it does no longer happen with their test systems.
    FWIW, the correct sound is the sound that loads after the rig switch. The KPA just incorrectly loads the last used rig on startup. Anyway, they are working on resolving this.

  • Ok, Kemper support got back to me.

    For the German speaking guys:
    "Wir haben mitlerweile gute Soundbeispiele von Usern bekommen für diese Sound-Differenzen unmittelbar nach dem Neustart. Ich hatte das Problem gestern auch auf meinem Testsystem unter 1.0.6, kann es aber jetzt nach diversen Resets/Downgrades/Upgrades (wegen diversen anderen Tests) nicht mehr reproduzieren.

    Unsere Entwickler sind sich ziemlich sicher, daß das erste Rig (welches ja das letzte vor dem Abschalten war) beim Neustart nicht komplett sauber initialisiert wird. Das heißt, ab dem zweiten Laden hört man den Originalsound und nur der Erste ist verfälscht. Unter welchen Konditionen dieser Fehler aber passiert, wird noch untersucht. Wie gesagt, ich kann es heute unter 1.0.6 nicht wieder reproduzieren!?"

    For the English speaking guys:
    I'm too lazy to translate everything word by word but basically, they are working on it.
    They recieved many soundfiles and error tickets (btw, thanks to everybody who sent one).
    They were able to reproduce it. But after various up- and downgrades of the firmware and multiple resets, now it does no longer happen with their test systems.
    FWIW, the correct sound is the sound that loads after the rig switch. The KPA just incorrectly loads the last used rig on startup. Anyway, they are working on resolving this.