A conversation with Kemper support regarding FX Loop hiss and gating.

  • I'm still seeing more complaints regarding the FX Loop and I find it frustrating that one of the most basic features of a guitar rig is currently a no-go for the Kemper, if you want clean effects in your FX Loop.

    You can view my original thread from Feb 2018 here, with links to other threads and sound examples:

    FX Loop Static Noise

    I recently went back to an email thread between me and support and I felt I should post Kempers reply for anyone else still trying to find a solution. I sent support a backup of my profiler and a description of the issue, this is what I got back:

    Quote from Peter @ Kemper

    "The FX Loop includes a gate, thats why we hear this gated effect.
    The noise is affected by the position of the Looper. If the loop is placed in front of the Stack Section (pre), the noise is amplified by the amp and cabinet in the stack section. You are advised to simply place the loop in the effect section.
    However, our developers are informed about this issue"

    "this is definitely caused by software and not by your Profiler, so a [replacement unit] would not solve this problem."

    I think it's time this was addressed. Maybe it's only a small percentage of us that expect the FX Loop to be 100% clean but it's an important feature regardless. It currently kills reverb & delay tails, creates hiss and gates the signal.

    Please Kemper, find a solution!