GIG settings : 2 DI box needed on Master Output L & R ?

  • Hello,

    I will use my Kemper on stage for the first time next week. I was wondering if my left and right master output XRL cables needed to be pluged through DI boxes or if the impedance of the Kemper Master Output was already convenient.


    Listen to my 1st profiles and recorded performance with kemper here. On drums it's my son, only 8 years old :P

  • Agreed. I just wrapped up my first gig. XLR straight to FOH. Just make sure you have the output level set to -18 or so. I also ran a monitor with unlinked volume control. Worked awesome. Good luck. I’m absolutely in love with the Kemper now. Liked it in rehearsal but it floored me tonight. Sounds amazing, performance mode is ridiculously convenient and the FOH guy loves you for the consistent tone.

  • Well, my 1st experience on stage with the Kemper was conclusive 8o

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    Listen to my 1st profiles and recorded performance with kemper here. On drums it's my son, only 8 years old :P

    Edited once, last by Supernanard (June 22, 2018 at 10:34 PM).