Renaming / Organizing Profiles

  • I recently purchased some commercial profiles (review of these in the commercial profile forum, if you are curious).
    Last night I deleted all of the stock profiles and loaded in the new profiles I purchased.

    My question is 2 part -

    A) How would I go about renaming the profiles - I assume (hope) this is done in the Rig Manager software?
    I would rather name the amps what their actual names are - not the pseudo name (that I assume is used for legality).

    B) How do you organize your profiles?
    Do you label them by amp, by style, by song, etc?
    I know there are probably not any 'best practices' - just curious how everyone else has their Kemper set up.
    Who knows... You might have a cool setup, and I might want to also have a cool setup 8)

  • FWIW, I do the bulk of my organizing in Rig Manager. I have thousands of profiles in my local folder, and about 15 profiles on my KPA.

    The great thing about Rig Manager is that all you have to do is double click on the profile to send it to the KPA. It doesn't store it unless you hit the Store button, but you can edit all you like and even turn off the machine. The profile will still be there when you come back. To get rid of it just choose another profile and it's gone. This is true of the profiles on Rig Exchange and all the free commercial profile packs too.

    Tagging is also a great benefit, but I must admit I'm a little lax on keeping up with it.

    I buy a fair amount of commercial profiles, most are an incredible bargain for what you get. But I generally count on 3 or 4 of them to be useful on a regular basis. YMMV