Properly Monitoring the Kemper via Headphones

  • @Wheresthedug

    Thanks for this nice Test you put up there. We aren't scientists so this approach was decent enough.

    I would like to reproduce your test in the full extend but i only have my Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250 ohm.
    I have a pair of AKG headphones that i'm not even willing to compare because they have such bad characteristics
    ,representation and sound stage.
    So i have only one pair of headphones.

    But i can confirm your results on the second part. I can't compare high and low impedance headphones here but i can
    compare the different headphone amps.

    Currently i can compare the Focusrite 2i2 which is obviously not made to drive high impedance headphones the Presonus 1824
    which at least can drive them at decent levels and the Kemper headphone amp itself.
    I my opinion the Focusrite doesn't necessarily sound bad but just hasn't enough power to drive the DT990 Pro so i can't compare them
    objectively. The Presonus drives them pretty good even at levels that are painfully loud. But with increasing level they tend to distort.
    So with the Presonus i have to find the sweet spot where the level is loud enough without messing up the tone.

    The Kemper is in my opinion far ahead of the interfaces. I already tested it with Space disabled on the headphone output. Because this
    feature doesn't represent the rig unbiased. But even with Space disabled the Kemper Headphone Output sound so much better.

    I just can't point out what it is. The difference is increasing further with added effects as i said. The sound stage is way better on the Kemper.
    Its like you can hear a wider spectrum. I don't know what causes the differences.

    I'm not a trained sound technician. So i wouldn't claim to hear any loss coming from the converters. but the converted Signal on either XLR or Spdif
    doesn't sound the same on the Presonus. It might be the Presonus but i can't imagine studio gear like the 1824 messing with the signal.
    I can't even record what is coming out of the Kemper Headphone due to the fact that the said "wider spectrum" is lost once the signal passed the
    converters on the Presonus.

    Is there a way to send the signal back to the Kemper via Spdif to monitor it via the Kemper Headphone out ?

  • I just can't point out what it is. The difference is increasing further with added effects as i said. The sound stage is way better on the Kemper. Its like you can hear a wider spectrum. I don't know what causes the differences.

    I didn't really hear any really difference in the effects it was just that the levels were different and also that the Kemper had a generally warmer or fuller sound.

    As for sending signal back through the Kemper to monitor. Yes you can do it. I'm not sure if it works over SPDIF but you can send a mix from your interface to the Return Input and Alternative Input then mix these with the guitar sound using the Aux levels in the Output section. You control the level of the mix input from the Aux In>Headphone volume .

    There is a video about how to do it on the Kemper website.