Windows 10 April 2018 update

  • Hi,

    Anyone else having problems after getting the "April 2018" update for Windows 10? I got it installed yesterday and now... Rig Manager can't communicate with the KPA. I am not 100 % this is the issue but as it was working fine before the update and then after the update it stopped working I suspect this is the culprit.

    Sidenote: This is really the only thing I have against Windows 10 - the forced updates. I can roll it back but sooner or later it will be installed again.

  • Yeah dude, I got so sick of Windows 10 "snooping" and installing unwanted updates! It would F my shite up all the time. I took my system for music production offline all together and bought a cheap little laptop for day to day stuff.

    Have you tried re-installing RM?

    You can easily fix the snooping via the windows host file, editing software or using a custom dns server like pihole.

  • Thanks, I read that... but I don't even see the Kemper in my Device manager - not even when it is working...

    OK, here's what's funny... I rolled back the update and everything worked again. Then I thought, well Windows is gonna nag me to death if I don't install the update. So I did that and was prepared to work a bit to fix it. But lo and behold, on the second update it didn't screw it up and now RM connects correctly to the Kemper. If I could afford it I'd get a Mac.

  • OK, here's what's funny... I rolled back the update and everything worked again. Then I thought, well Windows is gonna nag me to death if I don't install the update. So I did that and was prepared to work a bit to fix it. But lo and behold, on the second update it didn't screw it up and now RM connects correctly to the Kemper. If I could afford it I'd get a Mac.

    glad you got it sorted.

  • OK, here's what's funny... I rolled back the update and everything worked again. Then I thought, well Windows is gonna nag me to death if I don't install the update. So I did that and was prepared to work a bit to fix it. But lo and behold, on the second update it didn't screw it up and now RM connects correctly to the Kemper. If I could afford it I'd get a Mac.

    Unfortunately, a Mac is even worse for updates. Almost every increment wreaks havoc with music software. I guess MS watched the resulting chaos and needed to emulate it for some reason.

  • Unfortunately, a Mac is even worse for updates. Almost every increment wreaks havoc with music software. I guess MS watched the resulting chaos and needed to emulate it for some reason.

    This hasn't been my experience. I have been running a custom built Mac for the last 5 years and my interfaces have always worked after the update. I think the main thing is making sure that whatever device you use has a driver that has been updated for the newer build of Mac OS. This is really only been a problem the last couple of versions. I use a Line 6 interface and they have been pretty good about updates. If your device manufacturer is less than stellar on updates there can be third party drivers that will make it work although for some this is obviously not idea.

  • This hasn't been my experience. I have been running a custom built Mac for the last 5 years and my interfaces have always worked after the update. I think the main thing is making sure that whatever device you use has a driver that has been updated for the newer build of Mac OS. This is really only been a problem the last couple of versions. I use a Line 6 interface and they have been pretty good about updates. If your device manufacturer is less than stellar on updates there can be third party drivers that will make it work although for some this is obviously not idea.

    I don't want to start a Mac vs PC war, but both platforms have their strength and weakness. But in my experience, the OS update issue on a Mac has been maybe the biggest weakness for DAW users.

    I downgraded my i7 Mac Mini server to Mavericks because of all the issues. At some point I won't have a choice and will have to update to whatever is the latest OS. That will be a long day of updating. IMO troubleshooting Windows is a lot easier and intuitive (in a relative way) than a Mac now.

    I'm no Windows fanboy, but at least they usually take backward compatibility in to consideration when they come out with a update. Apple just says "it's not our problem".

  • I don't want to start a Mac vs PC war, but both platforms have their strength and weakness. But in my experience, the OS update issue on a Mac has been maybe the biggest weakness for DAW users.
    I downgraded my i7 Mac Mini server to Mavericks because of all the issues. At some point I won't have a choice and will have to update to whatever is the latest OS. That will be a long day of updating. IMO troubleshooting Windows is a lot easier and intuitive (in a relative way) than a Mac now.

    I'm no Windows fanboy, but at least they usually take backward compatibility in to consideration when they come out with a update. Apple just says "it's not our problem".

    I am no fanboy either. That is why I build hackintosh machines instead of buying overpriced apple ones. i dual boot Sierra and Windows 10 and I seem to have way more issues with the Windows side on this machine. I used windows 7 previously and never had any trouble with it at all. I just wanted to share what my experience has been so far, Your experience is equally valid. I will say that I liked Mavericks a lot more than I currently like Sierra. High Sierra is a mess at the moment.