Real AMP has a fuller body than Kemper

  • I’ll have to try this tomorrow ... I had no idea the eq set flat had any affect on the tone ;( but it makes sense, if the eq stack is included in the signal I can see your point.You have a picky ear and you have no problem with using the studio eq?
    I don’t get that... it is detrimental to any profile I have ever tried it on, don’t like it at all.

    @SQUAREHEAD when you say during DI AMP profiling to crank up the master/monitor volume, to what level you set it to ? 10db, +0db or less ?
    Do you also adjust the return level set (automatically) by the kpa ?

  • I ran my Powerhead through a 1960 Marsh 4 x 12 cab last night playing with my band..Other guitar player using a late 70's 100W marshall thru a Marsh 4 x12 TV cab..I had no problem "Keeping up" or being loud enough (and we play LOUD).. I have a Boogie MKIV head toi use as a tube slave amp , but I never needed it.. We were all kind of shocked and super impressed....full loud and tons of balls...Probably had the Kemper up about 25%..

  • I am just still trying to get as close as possible to my real Amp with WOS Cab. I have adjusted the Eq of the Kemper to the EQ Curve of the real Amp frequenzies with an EQ analyzer. I have used the graphic Eq of the Kemper after the Amp Section. Here is the result.


  • That was my guess as well because in my own setup I had similar issues when matching head/amp in room to kemper/cab in room eq wise

    I'm not 100% sure strictly eq'ing pre/post will get you the additional 1-5% you're missing vs the real thing but I'd mess with high and low shift in the cab section.

    One thing I've started to accept IMO is trying to match a kemper/cab tone vs head/cab tone in room isn't as worth it to me compared to when both amps are mic'd up or DI'd(kemper). Due to all the differences real cabs portray in shaping the sound, plus the off axis listening points, I don't see it useful to compare amp in room.

    Obviously others can completely disagree and that's cool as well! I'm not stubborn enough to think it's stupid for other people to do amp in room comparisons and match those perfectly. I just go with what's best for me and I'm sure others are doing the same for themselves :thumbup: .